Welfare Spending Up 41 Percent Under Obama
In 1964, when President Lyndon Johnson declared a “war on poverty” in America, the poverty rate stood at around 19 percent. Since then, total federal, state, and local spending on anti-poverty programs has amounted to $15 trillion, yet the poverty rate now stands at 15.1 percent, the highest level in nearly a decade.
The federal government will spend more than $668 billion on anti-poverty programs this year, an increase of 41 percent or more than $193 billion since President Barack Obama took office. State and local government expenditures will amount to another $284 billion, bringing the total to nearly $1 trillion — far more than the $685 billion spent on defense.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Thanks to Obama everything is costing more, debt is up, spending continues and he could care less, this is what he wants and more.
4 more years of Obama will kill our country off.
Every welfare check that goes out is another vote for Obama.
LBJ’s War on Poverty, another “war” the govt. has lost. Lots of money spent and all we got out of it was an ever expanding welfare class.
Bob, true, they would never go against him.
Tom, yes your right that is what it has ended up being.