U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales Could Get Death Penalty
FOX News
Charges filed Friday against Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales reflect the horror of the crime: 17 counts of premeditated murder, more than half of them children, during a shooting rampage in southern Afghanistan. But while Afghans are calling for swift and severe punishment, it probably will be months, even years, before the public ever gets to see Bales in a courtroom.
One only has to look at two recent and similarly high-profile cases to see that the wheels of military justice turn slowly.
It has been nearly 29 months since an Army psychiatrist, Maj. Nidal Hasan, allegedly killed 13 and injured two dozen more at Fort Hood, Texas. His trial is scheduled to begin in June.
Wild Thing’s comment………
I think there is so much more to this story. Major Hassan is STILL awaiting trial, but this guy will be tried and convicted in a New York minute.
Obama has hurt the morale of our troops,he has hurt the strength of our troops, and then there are his impossible rules of engagement.
This is a soldier who suffered traumatic brain injury. Why wasn’t he back home being treated? Why was he sent back into combat? He saw his buddy’s leg blown off the day before. We owe it to our soldiers to give them the very best treatment when they are injured in the line of duty.
You’re right. They’ll try this guy in a NY minute to appease the Afghans and they’ll probably sentence him to death.
Major Hasan along with that Muslim soldier that threw the grenade in the tent of his officers, will never see the death penalty.
We are looking at a sacrificial lamb in the arena of international socialist political correctness.
Thank you so much Bob and Tom.