BREAKING NEWS: Obama Put on Notice
Yesterday Rep. Walter Jones, republican of North Carolina, introduced H. Concurrent Resolution 107, which calls on the House, the Senate Concurring, to do the following:
March 7, 2012
Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.”
Wild Thing’s comment……
They should arrest Obama, Holder, and anyone else that is doing all these things against our Constitution.
At least there is on member of Congress with courage.
Tom, I agree, they should all be outraged. I am so tired of so many of them worried too much about what others will think.