Reince Priebus: Obama shows ‘remarkable disdain’ for religious liberty
In an op-ed in POLITICO, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus takes the Obama administration to task over the decision to require religious employers to provide contraception coverage:
“The Obama administration shows a remarkable disdain for the Constitution. From the unconstitutional individual mandate to unconstitutional political appointments, no clause seems sacred to President Barack Obama. Sadly, that now includes even the freedom of religion — the first right enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
We now know the finer details of the Department of Health and Human Services decree that would force religious institutions to violate long-held beliefs on the sanctity of life. The administration’s actions are unconscionable and offensive to people of faith — most notably the Roman Catholic Church, which will feel the greatest effect.
More troubling still is the big picture. If the federal bureaucracy can so easily cast aside the First Amendment in pursuit of a specific health policy, what else can it ignore at a whim? What will be sacrificed next at the altar of Big Government?
Wild Thing’s comment…….
He is absolutely right. This RNC chairman has been really good lately speaking out about Obama. He was also on the Sunday monring political talk shows blasting away at Obama and did a great job. I was impressed and we have had a long time sincie we saw an RNC chairman do anything like that.