Obama also responded to Republican hopeful Newt Gingrich referring to him as “the food stamp president.”
“First of all, I don’t put people on food stamps,” Obama said. “People become eligible for food stamps. Second of all, the initial expansion of food-stamp eligibility happened under my Republican predecessor, not under me. No. 3, when you have a disastrous economic crash that results in 8 million people losing their jobs, more people are going to need more support from government.”
Obama spoke with ABC’s Diane Sawyer in an interview on Thursday. Sawyer asked him how intense his reelection ambitions were.
“How much do you want it?” “Badly,” Obama replied. “Because I think the country needs it.”
“Whoever wins the Republican primary is going to be a standard bearer for a vision of the country that I don’t think reflects who we are,” Obama said. “I’m going to fight as hard as I can with every fiber of my being to make sure that we continue on a path that I think will restore the American dream.”
Wild Thing’s comment……
No No NO NO NO!!
Increasingly there are more and more that more badly want him to lose.
From Philadelphia, Dennis, a 48 year old black man, truck driver, and lifelong Democrat incrementally and finally reached a personal epiphany earlier this week on the radio.
He’s seen himself as “seeing the light” and abandoning this President he voted for in these very pleasing eight minutes -an insightful and encouraging window on the current electorate:
It’s Bush’s fault.
Here is something Obama could fix in a Nano second
if he gave a damn about our troops in Afghanistan
and else where. It is what Michael Yon has been banging the drum for some time.I know I have been critical of Yon but with some research I have seen where the flack is coming from. This is important as it involves the lives of our military.
27 January 2012
The MEDEVAC issue continues to grow. There have been many articles and it’s becoming difficult to keep up. The Joint Chiefs of Staff is preparing something for Congress. My guess based on conversations is that JCS will try deflection and will not solve the issue. SecDef has done nothing, to my knowledge. And so this is set to become an election issue.
This list below is not comprehensive but can be a helpful resource.
Please listen to my interview with Dennis Miller.
Op-eds by James Simpson
American Thinker
Breitbart Big Peace
Examiner.com—D.C. Examiner
Washington Times
“Badly” is how things would go for the U.S. of A. if *THE*RULER* is allowed a second term…NoBama2012!
An obama reelection is not a dream for patriotic, freedom loving, free market capitalist, tax paying, honest, Constitution abiding Americans. To these folks an obama reelection is a horrific deadly nightmare.
Carlos – that is a very interesting post. I just wonder how many of the 90 something % of Black obama voters have changed their minds. I am thinking it is an inconsequential number.
Gator – red cross marked medevacs were an issue in Vietnam also. dedicated medevac units pretty much set their own policies and some were armed, some not. However, all did carry personal firearms. That this situation even exists is due to the cowardice of our military brass.
I have been reading SOF magazine since it’s inception. It is totally non PC and covers military subjects the MSM would not dare to. SOF and another monthly, Military, are my two favorite reads each month.
TomR, during Desert Storm, our B-52 pilots had to carry their own personal sidearms as the USAF would not issue them any. If these men had to eject, they were unarmed and could only surrender if approached.