The NEW Winter White House – The “Obama Palace”…he got this using one of his Executive Orders and made it the Obama Palace…….barf!
From The White House website……
Bowing to the demands of the “Keep it Kailua” crowd, President Obama has nixed his plans to stay a fourth time at his usual luxurious oceanfront Kailua rental house and has instead issued an executive order to temporarily seize the lovely historic Iolani Palace to use as his vacation accommodation this Christmas.
The Palace was the official residence of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s last reigning monarch: Queen Lili’uokalani. Overthrown by the U.S. Government in 1893, the Hawaiian Kingdom ceased to exist. The Queen was wrongfully imprisoned in the Palace two years later when a failed attempt was made to restore her to power.
Controversy still remains over whether the U.S. takeover of Hawaii was legal. What better way to put this to rest than to have the President of the United States officially “Occupy the Palace” on his Christmas vacation?
Honolulu, Hawaii
December 17th, 2011 to January 2nd, 2012
Trip Overview
On Saturday, December 17th, 2011, the President will travel to Honolulu, Hawaii. He will return to Washington, DC on Monday, January 2nd, 2012. No public events are scheduled during the trip.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Hmmmm what trouble can we get into. How about we keep him from coming back, make sure no plans or boats from Hawaii to the inland till after the next election or something. And he can’t make any speechs or teleprompter use or phone calls or any kind of communication where we would have to hear him speak.
Now see that is a Merry Christmas and to al la good night. heh heh
It looks like his support personnel won’t get to spend another Christmas with their families. Is this jug-eared jackass ever going to care about anyone other than himself?
From what I can find out, the palace is owned by the State of Hawaii. Can a president legally issue an executive order seizing property from a State? My gosh, if this doesn’t open peoples eyes, nothing will.
I had to look closely as I was reading this to see that it was parody. It is well done. It is also very believable that this stinking narcissistic ass and his angry Marie Antoinette wife would do something like this. In fact they do.
Tora Tora Tora