Keystone Pipeline Decision a Political Ploy or a Political Problem?
FOX News
The Obama administration’s decision to delay a controversial oil pipeline was cast by critics as a political ploy to placate environmentalists ahead of the 2012 election.
But if that’s the strategy, it could backfire.
While the decision pleased environmentalists who had earlier suggested they might withhold support for President Obama over the project, it did not please the labor unions who were banking on the estimated 20,000 jobs tied to the pipeline.
Republican strategist Brad Blakeman said he was puzzled by the decision on the pipeline project — diplomatically, politically and economically.
“The reasons not to do it are far outweighed by the reasons to do it,” he said. “It doesn’t make any sense to punt it until after the election, when you could have a victory on numerous levels today.”
Environmentalists applauded the decision. Friends of the Earth President Erich Pica called it a “major accomplishment for the climate movement” and for the people who could be affected by the pipeline route.
Wild Thing’s comment……
This is totally unforgivable that he would say no to this. And there is a time limit to saying it would be OK which means it will not happen because he will keep putting it off. DAMN Obama!
20,000 union jobs and thousands of other jobs to support the workers lost. Maybe, just maybe, some of these unions will wake up and see who’s destroying their country.
What do you want to bet that the environmentalists drive to the polls to vote for obama in gas guzzling cars and trucks. No bikes or walking. They also probably have houses with a/c and heat fueled by either natural gas or electricity(made by burning coal). No, I am sure these “greenies” enjoy the same fossil fuel produced comforts most of us Americans gladly use.
The unions. Another group of eggheads. Bob, I bet that in the privacy of the voting booth lots of union members vote against the orders of their union bosses. That’s why union bosses hate secret balloting.
obama. A Marxist, muslim, anti American, racist shitstain. ‘Nuff said.
Thanks Bob and Tom.
A Marxist, muslim, anti American, racist shitstain…..that is exactly what he is.