10 Nov

Post Debate Video of Rick Perry ~ Sincere, down to earth….a Great man!

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Since you all probably saw the debate last night I thought you might like to see this POST debate video of Perry. I love so much how he speaks afterward and answers questions. He is so natural with people in this kind of a setting.
I love this tweet by Perry. I checked Perry’s website and they had a live tweet going on after the debate. It it is own tweet and it says…..

Governor Perry: “Really glad I wore my boots 2nite because I stepped in it out there. I did still name 2 agencies to eliminate. Obama has never done that!”

I have to tell you this was something that if I had not been for him already it would have sealed the deal. His being positive, his joke like that about Obama…the whole thing was so good.
Romney forgot how many years he has been married so he messed up in the debate. When it happened he joked about it. OK here is the difference…Perry forgets the word Energy and he smiles and admits he can’t remember. But who is the one the RINO’S and media will crucify????
“Have at it ” as Perry would say.

BobF says:

BINGO! Perry is right on the money when he talks about education costs and the skyrocketing rise in tuition. Glen Beck points this out and blames it for much of our problems.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

I’m still with him. His gaffe was honest. He was not caught in a lie or a false accusation. It was strictly a thought block. His reaction was humorous and humble.

Wild Thing says:

Bob thanks for the link and input too.
Tom, I agree, today he went on a ton of shows and I think it was good for him to do that.