Obama Snubs St. Louis Cardinals – No White House Call After Series Win
The Cardinals celebrated a the historic World Series victory last Friday night. But President Obama didn’t join them. He never made a call to the champs after the seventh game of the World Series.
Was President Barack Obama too busy watching the “Operation Repo” marathon or something else last Friday night?
When KMOX host Charlie Brennan asked now-retired St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa how the traditional call of congratulations from the White House went, La Russa suddenly realized that…it never happened.
“That’s a good point, I hadn’t really even thought about that,” replied a surprised-sounding La Russa, who can be forgiven for having a few other things on his mind over the past week. “As we were getting into the World Series we had a call from the White House to make sure they had the correct number for my office.”
But as the wild, champagne-drenched celebration of the team’s 11th World Series title was going on in the locker room, that phone never rang.
“We never did get a call,” La Russa said.
In August 2010, St. Louis Cardinals Manager Tony La Russa introduced Cardinal great Albert Pujols at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” Rally in Washington DC. Pujols was awarded the “Hope” Award at the massive rally.
In June 2010 Cardinals Manager Tony La Russa came out in favor of the tea party movement and the Arizona immigration bill.
Do you suppose that had anything to do with Barack Obama’s decision not to call the Cardinals last week?
Wild Thing’s comment……
Obama is so disgusting!!!!
You know politics was the reason. Game six of the World Series was probably one of the best played in Series history and that clown in the White House couldn’t even call and congratulate the Cardinals after becoming World Champions.
Not too surprising, that a man who throws like a 3 year old, would not recognize the accomplishments of a group of men who are real men.
Obama will get around to it eventually, when he realizes that it will garner a few more votes for him, in Missouri.
Maybe he can get that outstanding, openminded, Senator Clare Mc Kaskell, to join him.
i couldn’t agree more with both you and bobf your both spot on mark
Thank you so much everyone, I agree with all of you.