14 Oct

Governor Perry Appears on Kudlow and Company on Oct. 13, 2011 and Previews His Energy Plan

Rick Perry and a preview of his enery plan


Rick Perry to unveil far-reaching energy plan
USA Today
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is set to unveil a far-reaching energy plan Friday that would dramatically expand oil and gas exploration — and, he may hope, also reboot his presidential campaign.

“Getting the energy industry back to work is the quickest way to spark 1.2 million good, well-paid American jobs, and at the same time reduce our dependence on energy from nations that are all too often hostile to the United States,” Perry said in a telephone interview Thursday with USA TODAY previewing the speech at a Pittsburgh steel mill.

He vowed to reverse many of the energy policies pursued by President Obama, saying “the radical environmental movement” had been “sitting in the front of the train, being the engineer” during Obama’s tenure.

As president, Perry says, he would move to:
Open federal lands to more energy exploration and production, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and lands in the Mountain West. More offshore drilling would be permitted in the Gulf of Mexico and off the southern Atlantic coast.
He would continue to bar drilling in the Florida Everglades, a fragile ecological area located in what happens to be a key primary and general-election state.
Approve pipelines to facilitate new energy fields, including the Keystone XL Pipeline. The controversial project, which would carry crude oil from Canada to refineries as far south as Texas, is now stalled in a State Department review.
Suspend and reconsider many of the Environmental Protection Agency’s recent mandates and regulations, including rules designed to improve air quality. He would repeal the EPA’s authority over CO2 and other greenhouse gases linked to climate change.
Curb the ability of environmentalists and others to slow down projects through the courts. He would establish firm litigation deadlines to expedite lawsuits and consider establishing special federal environmental courts with expertise that presumably would allow them to reach decisions more quickly.
End the practice of federal agencies reaching consent decrees with advocacy groups, forcing them to pursue lawsuits instead.
Phase out subsidies and tax incentives that benefit specific kinds of energy. Some favor the oil and gas industry; others were devised to encourage development of such renewable energy sources as wind power. He would retain a research and development tax credit available to all types of energy producers.

“It’s leveling the playing field,” Perry said. States would be free to encourage particular forms of alternative energy themselves, he said, as he did with a wind energy program in Texas.

He called the energy speech “phase one” of detailing his policy proposals, to be followed by the end of the month by a plan on taxes and federal spending.


Perry’s blitz starts with Larry Kudlow’s CNBC show Thursday night ( see video above) . The Texas governor will then hit almost all of the morning news programs.

He is slated to appear on “Good Morning America,” “Today,” “The Early Show,” “Fox & Friends” and Sioux City’s KTIV. Perry will also call into radio programs in Iowa with Sam Clovis, New Hampshire with Brian Tilton and South Carolina with Ashley Byrd. Perry is additionally going to sit for an interview for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

The aggressive schedule reflects not just the desire to drive the message of the day — by promoing the speech — but also a view in Perryworld that they need to play to the candidate’s strengths more. They hope to give voters a better sense of Perry via those venues in which he performs better and to change the impression left from his debate appearances.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOVE it, thank you Gov. Perry, I hope you win the election and then go on to do as much if not all of the things you would like to do.
If you watch the video above he also discusses health care etc.
Governor Haley Barbour on twitter – @haleybarbour – “Good candidates are patient. They don’t have to win every debate or straw poll.” Keep the faith my friends. This is a marathon not a sprint.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Perry is very firm in his desire to make America energy independent by harvesting our own resources. We have untold quantities of oil, coal and natural gas. We can also utilize solar and wind where they are practical and cost effective.
I wondered constantly why the two Bush presidencies did not attempt to increase our own energy development. They were both in the oil business. I can only guess it is because they were both globalists.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I think you are right about the two Bush’s. Thank you for pointing that out it is important.
I have read in several articles that Perry is farther to the right then either of the Bush’s. Sometimes that will happen too when a person switches from Democrat to Republican they become even more conservative then some people that have been republican most of their lives.

Avitar says:

Couple of post scripts. George H. W. Bush always expected to have a second term. His is the thinking of the ultimate Republican establishment. (I don’t know why we call themm that but we have since my family and his were both kooky third party Republicans and the Whigs were the second party. His family in CT and mine doctors along the OH river)
George W. Bush had a war to get through the congress and troops held hostage everytime. He did try to get drilling through and got it through the house. I wonder how bad the fight would have been to get it through the Senate.
But remember the fighting that went on in the early Bush administration when he finally got his FBI director one WEEK before 9/11 and had to use Clinton’s incompetent CIA director through the invasion of Iraq? Remember the Democrats stealing all of the ‘W’s off the keyboards in the Whitehouse?
I don’t know the Bush’s won’t hold a grudge. The Country would be much better off if they did but the people who held the army in the first Gulf war hostage until HW signed off on a big tax hike never had to worry about Bush 41 showing up to raise money for an oponent. The same is true right now and Bush 43. He should be out raising $15 millioon for someone to run against Barney Frank next year. Some of the RINO senators should sweet bullets every day and the poeple who give them money should be kissing off every Government favor they ever wanted.