Hoffa, who repeatedly defended his comments this week, told local media outlets he is still “very proud of what [he] said” on Labor Day.
“Anytime someone tries to take away the rights of Americans for collective bargaining, anyone trying to take away Social Security, I’ll call them names anytime I want,” Hoffa told KOMO News.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
Well good Hoffa, then that means fight fire with fire and I will refer to you as I have. Communist Hoffa!
Hoffa, like so many UNION thugs is a bully. He thinks if he yells louder, threatens more he will get his way. Too bad that has worked for him in the past and it works for him with his weak minded UNION members. BUT I am a Tea Party kind of gal, an America loving, Flag waving, Bible reading, gun toting, anti- UNION, kind of gal and we don’t bully, or scream, we don’t have to.
This post is filed in the Sidebar under Traitors To America.
$125 per month? My son in law pays almost 5 times that per month. These people have it made.
Jimmy Hoffa – just another radical community organizer.
This Union Tool doesn’t even know that he has walked to the end of the beam! I think we should push him off the end before he drags anyone else off with him. It is important to remember that Hitlers NAZI Party was a Labor Union Party and dragged all of Germany and the world off the end of their beam with them.