The earthquake was scheduled to begin in Australia last night and the destruction and devastation roll through the timezones.
Here is their web site…Family Radio
Harold Camper said it will happen at 6 PM, on a time-zone by time-zone basis. So some folks will get a heads up. LOL

Somebody said, Jesus was comig today, and nobody told me about it. I am just too busy for this repture stuff. Afterall, though, these same people said because Im Catholic I aint going anyway, well ….OOOOOOOOOkay.
When one has TRUE faith in GOD and not in particular man-made denominations one needn’t worry about when Jesus comes back to reclaim His throne in Jerusalem – not in Vatican City – as stated in the Book of Revelation…
Baraghead HUSSEIN Obamao is trying his secular and socialist best to DESTROY and end the world
for the conservative and GOD fearing United States and Israel but their Higher Authority has their backs!
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. [Matt. 24:36]”
On the other hand, the complete end of the world would be a small price to pay to finally get rid of Ba’raq Saddam Hussein Osama Obama 🙂
Gee…. I miss dat bus again….. lol. I thought there was a no notice clause on that one. 🙂
Everyone is having fun with this. Too bad it was for a metor to hit within 10 ft of Barack Obama.
Thank you everyone.
I agree everyone had some fun with this, we might as well it was so far out there is was laughable.
I also agree, no one knows, only God when the end will be.
Darth, your right about God fearing too.
Our Nation has been leaving God out of so many things.