10 May

The Idiot Box ( the media ) by Dr. Alan Bates, MD.

The Idiot Box
by Dr. Alan Bates, MD.
Do you ever wonder how many Americans really understand what is happening to their country and how many ignorantly believe what they hear and read from the left-leaning TV and print news media—CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, the New York Times and its numerous syndicated local newspapers? The big picture is not Bin Laden’s death, a thirty minute story which has been repetitively covered 24/7 for more than an entire week without photo proof, nor Obama’s supposed birth certificate which aired for a couple of weeks before that, but whether Americans will survive as a nation of free people rather than become slaves of growing Fedzilla—a ‘transformation’ which has been in high gear since Obama was elected.
Most of the American news media, belatedly including the ‘fair and balanced’ FOX network, pedals sensationalism rather than reality, PC fiction rather than fact, and shallow entertainment diversions instead of reporting Fedzilla’s systematic dismantling of America. There are a couple of exceptions, such as Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch on FOX Business Channel each evening, which report the deteriorating condition of our nation and the direction it is headed in the hands of anti-American socialist thugs. Shame on the national media and their owners!
While Bin Laden’s death occurred on Obama’s shift, there is not one whet of evidence that Mr. Obama has changed his grand scheme for a ‘new’ America! His background, his actions and his verbiage remain consistent. The plan is to transform America from the most freedom-blessed, God-fearing, self-sufficient and powerful nation in the world to one in which every part of our lives is dominated by government, with fulfillment of Obama’s ideological objective to destroy what has been ‘special’ about America so as to ‘level the playing field’ in the eyes of the rest of the world.
The Obama administration, empowered by his socialist financiers and the naïve Americans who elected him, continues to systematically attack our freedoms, subvert our laws and reinterpret the Constitution. It is all part of a conversion designed to grow government into one which regulates speech, press, commerce, healthcare delivery, the right to bear arms, how much of one’s financial assets can be kept, and personal privacy. For Obama and the Left it is about control of our lives. But you did not hear this in the Leftwing media!
The Left will continue to milk the cow of Bin Laden’s death for Obama’s political gain despite the fact that he is uncomfortable with what happened as expressed through his concern for following Muslim tradition in disposal of the body of one who is responsible for murdering thousands of innocent lives. But don’t expect the Leftist media to tell Americans that Mr. Obama and his socialist elites want to obstruct free speech in the name of PC; promote tolerance of intolerant religions including overwriting our laws with theirs; transform the best healthcare system on the face of the Earth where no one—not even illegal immigrants—goes without; create omnipotent government which can tell you which light bulbs to burn and which car you can buy; deprive you of your right to bear arms for self-defense and yet steal your earnings to further fund a massive redundant but mostly useless bureaucracy.
In closing, I found the first Republican candidate question and answer session in South Carolina last week to be more interesting and informative than I expected. It was refreshing to see true American patriots on stage—-especially Governor Palwenty, Senator Santorum, businessman Herman Caine, and libertarian Ron Paul who knows better than to try and split the conservative vote in 2012. Any one of these men have ideas which put into action could reset America’s course.
I urge Americans not to ignore these debates or the urgent need for repudiation of this Administration. Every American has a vote to determine whether we allow the socialist Left to continue destruction of our economy, security and liberty, or whether we extricate ourselves from them. What is YOUR choice?


Wild Thing’s comment……
Interesting write up.
” It was refreshing to see true American patriots on stage—-especially Governor Palwenty, Senator Santorum, businessman Herman Caine, and libertarian Ron Paul who knows better than to try and split the conservative vote in 2012. Any one of these men have ideas which put into action could reset America’s course. “
I am not 100% in agreement with this statement by Dr. Bates. I would not include Ron Paul in the mix of coming to the rescue of the course our country is on. Ron Paul is VERY anti-semitic for one thing.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Mark says:

I agree Ron Paul is no Patriot to our side, but a real progressive in sheeps clothing. the Yound Americans for Freedom, a Libertarian Group, fired Paul as their Representative. Due to his shady deals in the Congress with none other than Barney Frank.
Pauls isolationism come from a small part of George Washingtons remarks when he finished his presidency. Washington was not saying we should isolate our selves from the world but take care in how we handle foreign policy. Paul convoluted the whole idea of Washingtons words.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, thank you so much for all you said.