Congressman receives threats on eve of hearings on Muslims in America
The Hill
Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) is receiving a barrage of threatening phone calls, some from overseas, which has led to increased police protection ahead of Thursday’s hearing on the possible radicalization of American Muslims.
King told The Hill that he’s not concerned about his safety and that the hearing, which will examine whether the Muslim community in the U.S. is being targeted by terrorist groups to carry out attacks, will proceed as scheduled
There were some threats from overseas and a number of other remarks,” said King, the chairman of House Homeland Security Committee.
“Whatever threat analysis police have done, they believe I warrant security. I don’t ask for it and I certainly don’t turn away any security that police think I should have. I leave it up to them.”
Added security is coming from the Nassau County Police Department and the New York City department for the hearing, King said.
The hearing is expecting a bevy of protesters and is taking RSVPs from the press because it expects such high attendance.
The White House, as if anticipating the potential for damage control on relations with the Muslim American community, sent President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Denis McDonough, to address the All Dulles Area Muslim Society on Sunday in Northern Virginia.
“Our challenge, and the goal that President Obama has insisted that we also focus on, is on the front end [of] preventing al Qaeda from recruiting and radicalizing people in America in the first place,” McDonough said. “And we know this isn’t the job of government alone. It has to be a partnership with you.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
The nerve of Obama, he is more worried about offending HIS muslims then he is the safety of Peter King. OH wait………that’s right, Obama could care less about NON Muslim’s …..so typical of this POS Obama.
So Muslims is there one of you out there in obamaland that will come forward and say you agree with King and want this hearing to be done. That you do not want to hinder it in anyway. That you love America and are against the muslim terrorists???????????? tap tap tap…waiting….waiting……tap tap tap……………….
It’s obvious to all of us there is a serious problem. I applaud Rep. King for having the fortitude to get some answers.
What’s this B.S. of Obama and Britain getting together for some military action in Libya? Neither side is a friend of the U.S. Let them kill each other.
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March 9, 2011
Mosques Flourish While Churches Perish
Western tolerance has no mirror in the Islamic world.
by Raymond Ibrahim
Pajamas Media
As Muslims prepare to erect a mega-mosque near the site of the 9/11 atrocities, it is well to reflect that the sort of tolerance, or indifference, that allows them to do so, is far from reciprocated to churches in the Muslim world. I speak not of Islamist attacks against churches — such as the New Year attack in Egypt that killed 21 Christians; or when jihadists stormed a church in Iraq, butchering over 50 Christians; or Christmas Eve attacks on churches in Nigeria and the Philippines. Nor am I referring to state-sanctioned hostility by avowedly Islamist regimes, such as Iran’s recent “round up” of Christians.
Rather, I refer to anti-church policy by Middle East governments deemed “moderate.” Consider: Kuwait just denied, without explanation, a request to build a church; so did Indonesia, forcing Christians to celebrate Christmas in a parking lot — even as a mob of 1,000 Muslims burned down two other churches. If this is the fate of churches in “moderate” Indonesia and Kuwait — the latter’s sovereignty due entirely to US sacrifices in the First Gulf War — what can be expected of the rest of the Islamic world?
The best example of anti-church policy is in Egypt, where the Middle East’s largest Christian minority, the Copts, lives. During Mubarak’s tenure alone “more than 1500 assaults on Copts have occurred, without any appropriate punishment given to criminals or compensation to the victims,” says Coptic Solidarity.
For starters, Egypt’s state security has a curious habit of disappearing right before Coptic churches are attacked — such as in the aforementioned New Year attack. They also tend to arrive rather late after churches are attacked: it took security “hours” to appear when six Copts were murdered while exiting their church last year. Considering that weeks ago an Egyptian policeman identified and opened fire on Christians, killing a 71-year-old — while yelling Islam’s medieval war-cry, “Allah Akbar!” — none of this should be surprising.
Since the 7th century, when Islam invaded and subjugated formerly Christian Egypt, the plight of churches has been tenuous. The very first condition listed for Christians to obey in order not to be molested in the notorious Pact of Omar — which informs sharia law, “the principal source of legislation” in Egypt — says it all: “We shall not build, in our cities or in their neighborhood, new monasteries, Churches, convents, or monks’ cells, nor shall we repair, by day or by night, such of them as fall in ruins or are situated in the quarters of the Muslims.” Accordingly, in the words of reporter Mary Abdelmassih:
[U]nlike Muslim citizens, who only need a municipal license to build mosques, the Copts require presidential approval for a church … [and] the approval of the neighboring Muslim community. Even after obtaining licenses for a church, Muslims still attack Christians and demolish or burn their churches. A rumor that Christians are meeting to pray is enough reason for Muslim neighbors to carry out acts of violence against them. On various occasions, it only takes Muslims to protest against the building of a church for State Security to stop the works, under the pretext that it is causing “sectarian strife.”
In fact, citing minor building violations, Egypt’s state security recently stormed a partially constructed church in the Talbiya region where over one million Christians live without a single church. In the process, state security fired tear gas and live ammunition on protesters, claiming the lives of four Copts, including an infant (79 were severely injured, 22 blinded or semi-blinded, and 179 detained, including woman and children). One human-rights activist complained that the wounded Copts “were shackled to their hospital beds and then sent to detention camps.”
All this is exacerbated by well-connected Egyptian Muslims who issue fatwas comparing the building of a church to the building of “a nightclub, a gambling casino, or building a barn for rearing pigs, cats or dogs”; or who appear on Al Jazeera ludicrously accusing Copts of stockpiling weapons in their churches and torturing Muslim women in their monasteries.
Incidentally, all this was under the “secularist” Mubarak. As for Egypt’s current power-holders, the military, armed forces just stormed a 5th century monastery, opening fire on monks to chants of “Allah Akbar!” (see video here). Consider the fate of Copts should the Muslim Brotherhood assume power.
Such, then, is the plight of Christians and their churches in the Muslim world — and such is the irony: while mosques, some of which breed radicalization and serve as terrorist bases, start dotting America’s landscape, churches are on their way to becoming extinct in the Middle East, the cradle of Christianity. More pointedly, as America allows Muslims to build a mega-mosque near Ground Zero — which was annihilated by Islamists partially radicalized in mosques — America’s “moderate friends” in the Muslim world blatantly persecute Christians and their churches.
Such flagrant double standards are — or should be — unconscionable. Yet here we are. Is it any wonder, then, that the Western mindset has a long way to go before it understands how to deal with the scourge that is “radical Islam”?
©2011 Raymond Ibrahim
Jim, thank you, your right, we all appreicate what he wants to do. Thank God for you and everyone that does see how important this is to our country.
Gator, thanks for the article.