05 Feb

MSNBC Chris Matthews on Obama Handling of Egypt:”I feel ashamed as an American, the way we’re doing this”

Wild Thing’s comment……
“And Barack Obama, as much I support him in many ways, there is a transactional quality to the guy that is chilling.”
This is your Messiah, he hasn’t changed a bit from day one. If anything, he’s worse…..if that’s possible.
I would say it’s not a “transactional” quality, it’s that Obama is, or is very close to being, a psychopath. No authentic empathy; no emotional grasp of social dynamics; no inner voice that speaks humanity to him.
“And Barack Obama, as much I support him in many ways…”
LOL Sounds like the tingle is fading. A bit late Chris.
One must be a true fool to feel disillusioned at this point, more than two years into the Stalinist thug’s takeover.
All his viewers will be so upset….both of them.

Sean says:

Yes it does sound as if the Tingle is fading.
When the likes of this man begin to be critical of Barry Sotero’s actions, even in the slightest, it gives one hope.
Real Hope not the type the Charlatan has been trying to sell us since 2008.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

That tingle may be turning to a warm wetness.

Jack says:

Maybe that sorry son of a bitch is thinking of Daniel Pearl and his own neck is feeling the tingle of impending Sharia rule!!!

Wild Thing says:

LOL you all are great, thank you.
Jack, good point, no one should ever forget how easily these terrorists will behead someone and they could care less if the person is a kool0aid drinker of obama’s or not.