Their signs read: Death to America, Down with Israel.
‘Death to America and Israel’ Slogans at Muslim Hajj Pilgrimage
Tens of thousands of Muslims chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” at the annual Hajj pilgrimage, which the Ayatollah of Iran called “a symbol of spirituality.”
The Arab Ahlul Bayt News Agency reported, “The pilgrims chanted anti-US and anti-Zionist slogans during the ceremony, also attended by the Supreme Leader’s representative for Hajj affairs, Hojatoleslam Ali Qazi-Asgar.
“God is the Greatest”, “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” were among slogans chanted by the masses in unison as they gathered in the Desert of Arafat near Mecca, where more than 2 million Muslims have gathered.
Qazi-Asgar read a message from the Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, who told Muslims to engage in “struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime.”
“Today the Zionist regime is no more the undefeatable monster of 30 years ago,” he said. “The United States and the West are also no more the unquestionable decision-makers of the Middle East that they were two decades ago. Today the arrogant United States, the self-styled commandant of the Islamic region and the real sponsor of the Zionist regime, is bogged down in the quagmire of its own making in Afghanistan.”
He began his speech by saying that “the growing wave of Islamic awakening heralds a glorious future for the Muslim community…The enemy’s extensive propaganda campaigns to promote Islamophobia are hasty attempts at sowing discord among Islamic faiths and fueling factional prejudices.”
Khamenei continued, “No virtue is better than rescuing nations from the demonic clutches of hegemonic powers, and no vice is worse than depending on and serving hegemonic powers,” referring to the United States.

In case you can’t read what Obama is saying to them:
White House
Michelle and I extend our greetings for a happy Eid-ul-Adha to Muslims worldwide and wish safe travels to those performing Hajj. This year, nearly three million pilgrims from more than 160 countries – including the United States – have gathered in Mecca and neighboring sites to perform the Hajj rituals and stand together in prayer.
On Eid, Muslims around the world will commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, and distribute food to those less fortunate – a reminder of the shared values and the common roots of three of the world’s major religions.
On behalf of the American people, we extend our best wishes during this Hajj season – Eid Mubarak and Hajj Mabrour.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Isn’t it just wonderful to have a president support these sickos and their death cult……NOT!
I guess Obama Obama is wishing he could be with his brothers celebrating Hajj.
Jihadis in the open, FIRE FOR EFFECT!
I don’t think thats the impression O’bamie wanted to leave when he went to Egypt to kiss all of their asses, and trash our country.
Good one WT, “Fire for effect”. I wonder how many muzzies will be trampled this year as they stampede around their cube.
OK…I try to keep my language clean, but….DON’T BE SENDING ANY SUCH FUCKIN’ MESSAGE ON MY BEHALF, DIRTWAD! Warm wishes…you bet. I understand nuclear detonations are very warm , indeed. You wanna send ’em a message on my behalf how about “stop spreading your filthy theopolitical ideology all over the world and stop killing innocent people in the name of your depraved so-called prophet!” Sorry gang but this one hit a real raw nerve with me.
Thank you Mark, Tom and Pete soooooo much. This really ticks me off that obama has to kiss up to his fellow muslims and put them before our country.
Pete, well said!!!!!