04 Nov

Obama Says He Won’t Allow Republicans to Repeal Obamacare

Obama Says He Won’t Allow Republicans to Repeal Obamacare


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Oh really Obama??? Well nearly 60% of voters want the law repealed. What a total jerk!!!!

Mark says:

The best thing about our Wipeout Victory, in the House, the House controls all the spending. They can simply defund the law, and that is the end of his communist bastion.
The D***head will never sign a repeal but he can’t do anything if congress defunds the law.

BobF says:

He still doesn’t care what the American people want.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Healthcare is one of obama’s babies and he is going to do all he can to shove it down our throats. He doesn’t care how many Americans hate it, it is his door to ultimate govt. control of our lives.

MrHappy says:

As Limbaugh said “you can attach repeal measures in the always-existing omnibus appropriation bill. You can defund it. You can offer all kinds — you can play legislative tricks here. You can put it in a piece of legislation Obama has to sign. That’s what the Democrats always did with Bush.”
“I’m going to tell, you Republicans, if you think there’s going to be patience to wait to do anything about this until 2012 when we might win the White House, you are sadly mistaken. You may not be there in 2012. Nobody is voting Tuesday to send anybody to Washington to wait.”

Wild Thing says:

Mark, yippe to that too. That would be a good way to stop it I agree.
Bob, your right, he could care less what the people want.
Tom, that sure is what it is, total control.
MrHappy, thanks for the quotes from Rush.