27 Oct

Janet Napolitano Ib Greta’s Show Last Night…… ” We Can’t seal the border”

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Greta Van Susteren…….

“We can’t seal the border.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Well I guess that is it then, I mean she is the big ole boss on Homeland Security and is everyone ready to lock step to her wishes??? Nope, nada, no.
One day we will have people in power that not only listen to we the people, but understand the importance of borders for any country…….. so why not the USA.
Oh and Janet, the next and there will be many ‘ next’s, time an American citizen is raped, killed, robbed you name it by an illegal you will be the number one person to blame.

Mark says:

Seems to me she’s not trying to hard. Has she ever been to the border, even when she was governor? She’s a piece of crap. Can’t seal the border, that BS. They don’t want to seal the border.

Anonymous says:

Ideolically, that is (i.e., “won’t”).

Anonymous says:

Ideologically, that is (i.e., “won’t). (Damn typing.)

Wild Thing says:

I agree, she should have spoken the truth and said she won’t seal the border.