Disneyland allows park worker to wear religious scarf at work
Los Angeles Times
Disneyland has agreed to allow a company intern to wear her religious headscarf at work, according to a Muslim rights group that intervened after the woman was told she would have to work in the stockroom.
The Chicago woman was hired as a vacation planner after a phone interview. When she arrived in California for her internship orientation, she was asked by Disney representatives why she had not mentioned her hijab, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
The woman was told she would have to take a position with less guest interaction, working in the stockroom until a “customized uniform” could be made, according to the group.
She was told that making the customized uniform would take about five months, approximately the length of her entire internship, according to CAIR.
The group intervened, and after a week Disney agreed to accommodate the woman in her original position as a vacation planner, it said.
Vacation planners are costumed employees, whose outfits include an optional baseball-style cap. Unlike other employees, the worker in question will not have the option to take off her hat while wearing her head scarf, Brown said. Vacation planners sell tickets in a box office.
Suzi Brown, a spokeswoman for Disneyland Resort, said the employee would be allowed to wear a fitted blue head scarf with a beret-style hat worn over it.
Vacation planners are costumed employees, whose outfits include an optional baseball-style cap. Unlike other employees, the worker in question will not have the option to take off her hat while wearing her head scarf, Brown said. Vacation planners sell tickets in a box office.
“Walt Disney Parks and Resorts has a long history of accommodating a variety of religious requests from cast members of all faiths with more than 200 accommodations made over the last three years,” Brown said. “And this instance was no different.”]
The organization has received other complaints over the years from Muslim women who said they have been denied “front-stage jobs” with Disney because of their hijabs.
A Muslim woman who works as a hostess at a Disney-owned restaurant filed a discrimination complaint earlier this year, saying she has repeatedly been sent home without pay for refusing to remove her headscarf at work.
Imane Boudlal, a hostess at Storyteller’s Cafe in Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel and Spa, said she was told she would have to remove her hijab or take a job working out of public view.
That case is ongoing, according to CAIR.
UPDATE: Disney officials said they in the process of accomodating the intern’s religious requirement and had already come up with a design when CAIR became involved in the case.]
Wild Thing’s comment…….
How disappointing! We don’t go to Disneyland to be forced to look at someone’s religious attire, we go to escape reality!
Will a burqua be next?
CAIR is a terrorist supporting organization that is stepping beyond its borders.
Hijab, lowjab, nojab.
There is far too much stepping beyond borders these days, Wild Thing.
Assimilation is the order of day in this situation.
If they are to be a part of the American workforce, then these people simply must assimilate into the uniformity of the workplace like everyone else since the founding of this republic, which includes work uniforms.
This lamentable action taken by such a large American employer as Disney is not petty at all, but highly significant in both scope and extent.
Accommodation is not in order here.
Basic assimilation into the wider culture and our society is.
This mistaken action by Disney is not tolerance, but appeasement and submission.
I submit that just as socialism is un-American, so is appeasement and submission.
One after another, through these series of continuing slights at our American way of life, our very identity as Americans is being challenged time and again in 2010.
We are not citizens of the world as the left would have it. We are a mere 5% of the world’s population, and we are American citizens.
Are we are a nation of immigrants ? Certainly, but all have and all now and in the future must assimilate.
A clear line must be drawn.
Assimilation is the order of day here.
This story just disgusted me when I heard it on the news. CAIR has no boundaries, they are very patient and take these wins as major coups. ugh!!
Now that’s a friendly looking face about the kind you’d expect to meet at the Re-education camp.
Just appease the bastards. Another business selling out their diginity and intergrity to Islam.
Hell, they don’t need to attack any more, the American people are surrendering in droves.
One more small step in the seemingly mad stampede to appease islam. I hate that cult with a passion. They don’t really make these demands for religious reasons. Instead they make these demands out of arrogance, a sense of superiority and to break us down. I hate them.
At least put mouse ears on it.
Next thing you’ll hear is Goofy will be banned ’cause the muzzies don’t like dogs.
It’s a shame they caved in. Dress codes are for a reason and if you don’t like them, find another job.
I believe the whole purpose of this woman getting the job and deceiving Disney was to force them to submit. Every one of these type of victories is a major victory in their Jihad against America.
I agree with each and every one of the previous comments.
The people in charge of organizations like Disney, should realize that, by standing their ground on issues like this, they have the support of the majority of Americans. This support trancends to more and continued business and profits.
By listening to their legal advisors, as, I am sure is the case here, they risk the loss of that support.
I am positive that CAIR will not be promoting trips to Disney Theme parks, because of this decision. This was just another move on their part to break down our culture.
Carlos, hahha good one.
“Hijab, lowjab, nojab.”
Thank you everyone, I agree with all of you.
The purpose of the muslim dress code is the same as any other military Uniform. It is to establish a line between US versus THEM. Write your congress man and if he says anything about the first amendment or the country being about freedom of religion remind him that was after 1830 and the Marines invading the shores of Tripoli.