Ground Zero mosque Imam blames Sarah Palin for ‘growing Islamophobia’
The Muslim cleric behind plans to build a mosque close to the Ground Zero site has blamed politicians such as Sarah Palin for fuelling a “growing Islamophobia” that led to the burning of Korans on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
The Reverend Terry Jones abandoned his “international burn a Koran day” in Gainesville, Florida on Saturday but there were isolated instances in Tennessee and New York of the Muslim holy book being set alight.
“What has happened is that..certain politicians decided that this project would be very useful for their political ambitions,” Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said, adding that this had prompted a “growing Islamophobia” in the US.
The Muslim cleric behind plans to build a mosque close to the Ground Zero site has blamed politicians such as Sarah Palin for fuelling a “growing Islamophobia” that led to the burning of Korans on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Imam Rauf’s proposal for an Islamic Centre, containing a mosque, two blocks from the site of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre, has become embroiled in controversy.
Mrs Palin was the first major national figure to get involved in what had been a localised dispute when she sent a Twitter message in July stating: “Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing.”
Imam Rauf said Mrs Palin’s intervention had been “disingenuous” and played a part of the issue being “hijacked by the radicals” over the summer.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Oh GOOD! GW Bush gets a break. He should send Sarah a thank you card. ( giggle )
Rauf has long been exposed…..the idiot is running out of lies and deceitful lies to spew. He has threatened as well, so he is not having a good day. LOL good!
Attacking Sarah Palin and thinking that will score him points!!? Ha ha Ho Ho heh heh…….Only with his fellow democrats. Bet he is a registered democrat!
There are plenty of people saying a lot worse things about islam than Sarah, but this sultan of succotash has singled her out, thereby putting himself in the “attack Palin” gang.
I’d take the Imams comments as a badge of honor.
Dear WT. Can you please enlighten us as to where we can get these great stickers of Sharia with a red line through it. I need one for on my car!!!
Thanks and keep up the great work with your blog. Love it and read it every day,
Islamaphobia — fear of Islam? Nope — it’s a rejection of all Islam stands for: stoning raped women, sex with 9-year-old girls, smothering all other religions, killing those who refuse to join Islam, destruction of civil and human rights, female slavery, etc… It is not necessary to fear Islam — it is necessary only to resist and reject Islam. Perhaps the growing “Islamaphobia” is simply due to the brutality of Islam and the natural revulsion normal people feel when they witness this brutality?
This guy is damn lucky that Sarah isn’t in charge and that Barry Sotero is.
If she were, he would not be in any sort of postion to make any statement, because no one would have ever heard of him.
His Mosque project would never have gotten off the ground, and if it did it would never have gone as far as it has.
No, people burning korans is a sign that they are fed up with the lie that islam is a religion of peace. They seem to be saying to me ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ!
Well they blamed Bush for the 9-11, and blowing up the Livies in N.O.. Roof probably thought it would be wise to use a new Republican name. Instead of Bush.
Eddy Burke, hi sure no problem. This is where I got it from. I don’t have the sticker, but I used the graphic from it. There are several things on the page.
all imams are liers,satin is the teacher of lyes
mohamid was decieve by satin as satin is the god of this earth (read matthew ch 4 verse 8 he couldn’t give it to jesus if it wasen’t his.islam is satins religion and he is the false god jesus said would come after him.imams are there ministers
Thank you all of you so much.
It’s Sarah Palin’s fault? Oh, she won’t wear a burqah and insists upon shooting moose, I guess.