Donald Trump offered Thursday to buy out a major investor in the real estate partnership that controls the site near ground zero where a Muslim group wants to build a 13-story Islamic center and mosque.
The offer, though, fell flat nearly instantly.
“This is just a cheap attempt to get publicity and get in the limelight,” said Wolodymyr Starosolsky, a lawyer for the investor, Hisham Elzanaty.
In a letter released Thursday by Trump’s publicist, the real estate investor told Elzanaty that he would buy his stake in the lower Manhattan building for 25 percent more than whatever he paid.
“I am making this offer as a resident of New York and citizen of the United States, not because I think the location is a spectacular one (because it is not), but because it will end a very serious, inflammatory, and highly divisive situation that is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse,” the letter said.
Trump also attached a condition to his offer: He said that as part of the deal, the backers of the project would need to promise that any new mosque they constructed would be at least five blocks farther away from the World Trade Center site.
Elzanaty said he remains committed to the idea of having a mosque built on at least part of the property.
A spokesman for Soho Properties general manager Sharif El-Gamal and his nonprofit group, Park51, did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday. Earlier in the day, the organization sent a statement to The Associated Press affirming that Soho Properties controlled the real estate and that Elzanaty was one of several investors.
El-Gamal and other people associated with the Islamic center have refused to detail the ownership structure of the real estate partnership that holds the site.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Thanks for trying Mr Trump. Trump had to deal with these Muslim LIARS. The owners of the building turned down a $10 million offer to sell it for $4 million to the Imam. Its not about the money. They want to build a build a victory monument to their terrorists.
To all the NYC vendors. Bring you carts filled with pork products to the next demonstration against the mosque. Ribs would be good as the disposing of the bones could line the side walks/doors, window sills etc.
Supposedly this was said… BEFORE the Trump offer…
Developer would sell 9/11 mosque site for right price; imam says switching sites now would be unwise..NY Daily News article.
Hi again! It’s Michael Souders, the music teacher at Tussing Elementary School, and I wanted to thank you for helping us spread our song “Thank You, Soldiers” far and wide! Would there be a way that you could help us with our new song, “There’s A Hero On the Way”? This is dedicated to all first responders, and would be a great 9-11 Tribute, as well. As in our first video, the most sincere desire of my heart is that this would get into the hands of all those wonderful people who sacrifice and put themselves in harm’s way every day. Would it be possible to post this to your incredible site for 9-11 or anytime soon?
9/11 Tribute Song, “There’s a Hero On the Way”
at this link—–> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkFyE1TZQGU
Thanks for considering!!
Michael Souders
Tussing Elementary School Music
I think Fasal Roof is the biggest liar, of course because we the infidels he can lie all he wants.
So if a pin prick is not good enough when do we start anything. Even a pin prick to the heart can be fatal. The sooner we get it on with these immoral bastards the better off will be the world.
Here we are the day before the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 islamic attack and we are having trouble with moslems over the ambush site. What irony. What a damned farce.
There should be no moslems in America. They are all potential terrorists. There are no “moderate” moslems. May piss be upon their phony god allah.
I know alot of you disagree with me on the koran burning. but I want to do something, stick a knife in their eye, it like watching a friend die really slowly from some dreaded disease and all you can do is watch. And that friend is our Country. Its been 65 years and has been a great ride, but the last few have become uncomfortable with the Heart of our country getting ripped out, our heirtage and our hopes and dreams for our children and grandchildren. We got to do something.
Michael, thank you for your newest song.
Tom, that’s right. They are just like Obama, he makes it all about him and the muslims make it all about them, their demands their complaints etc.
This really pisses me off, it was an attack on our country and the freaking muslims want to make it about their demands and threats.
Mark, I agree so much. ” The sooner we get it on with these immoral bastards the better off will be the world.”
And Mark I also agree with you about the Koran burning. I have had it with these Muslims and their demands, lies and threats. I have noticed more and more conservatives are agreeing as well.
Love that Trump called his bluff!