In the wake of the battle over a mosque at Ground Zero, a move by the Hartford City Councilis sure to have its critics.
City Council Meetings to Begin with Muslim Prayers
NBC Connecticut
The Council announced Tuesday that it has invited local imams to perform Islamic invocations at the beginning of the Council meetings in September.
Though meetings don’t regularly begin with any form of prayer, an email from the Common Council called it “an act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters.”
The email even referenced the ongoing issue in New York. “One of the goals of the Council is to give a voice to the many diverse peoples of the City, which is especially important given the recent anti-Islam events throughout the country.”
Council President rJo Winch called it an important move for the Council. “I feel it is very important that, as a Council, we project a culture of inclusiveness in the City of Hartford. Too often it is our differences that divide us. In my opinion, it is our combination of differences that makes us strong,” Winch said.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Insane. Opening a meeting by praying to Satan,
Though meetings don’t regularly begin with any form of prayer, an email from the Common Council called it “an act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters.”
It’s an act of voluntary himmitude and nitwit political correctness.
Can’t put the 10 Commandments on the building, can’t have a “Christmas” tree it’s gotta be a “holiday tree”, can’t even say “Merry Christmas” at work any more has to be “happy holidays”, can’t have a nativity scene seen anywhere on public property, secularism and atheism are given preferential treatment over Christianity or Judea-ism every single day of the week… but now they want to start an official meeting with a Muslim prayer? Throw every last one of the hypocritical bums out!
Terrorism wins big. I cannot understand our cowardise at all. And the hatred of Christians and Jews which is spreading in our country and this insane respect for our worst enemy who killed so many innocent Americans. I don’t understand.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Since this would be considered a violation of separation of church and state, we know the ACLU is going to be all over this. We also know the Buffalo Bills are going to win the Super Bowl this year.
this simply sucks-fight creeping Sharia wherever it is found…
Bob when did hell freeze over ?
Yeah the aclu will be all over this like white on rice, or a dobermann on a lawyer, and If a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass.
This is most disgusting. Have we lost everyhting we have fought for, especially common sense. Let those who sleep with the devil be his first target.
Bob, heh heh good one.
Willy, yesssss I am very concerned how all this PC stuff is going to make it easy for sharia to take over.
Mark, I agree 1000%.
“Let those who sleep with the devil be his first target.”
Connecticut has supported a Senator, Dodd for the last thirty years who backed Pol Pot’s take over. Except for the population including very few natives I can not explain it. The replacement for Dodd will either be the head of the Wrestling Federation or a Lawyer who has dressed like a James Bond Villian for the twenty years I have been watching him. You would think that the slicked down hair and the Suits for Hoods-R-Us would be as good as wearing a black hat.