Hamas Backs Obama and Rauf on Ground Zero Mosque
Hamas Backs Obama and Rauf on Ground Zero Mosque: ‘Muslims Have to build it’ “We Have to Build Everywhere”
Once again Obama is aligned with the genocidal, the jihadist …. our enemy. Fresh off the heels of the Obama Ground Zero endorsement, genocidal jihadist group Hamas, had his back.
Bear in mind Imam Feisal, the man behind the mosque, refuses to denounce the brutal annihilationist Hamas, whose stated goal, in the first paragraph of their charter is the destruction of the Jews. Islamic supremacists know what the Cordoba mosque at Ground Zero means …..Mecca on the Hudson, the reconquest of the West.
Hamas nod for Ground Zero mosque Terror group’s leader: ‘Have to build it’
A leader of the Hamas terror group yesterday jumped into the emotional debate on the plan to construct a mosque near Ground Zero — insisting Muslims “have to build” it there.
“We have to build everywhere,” said Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas and the organization’s chief on the Gaza Strip.
“In every area we have, [as] Muslim[s], we have to pray, and this mosque is the only site of prayer,” he said on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on WABC.
“We have to build the mosque, as you are allowed to build the church and Israelis are building their holy places.”
Hamas, he added, “is representing the vast majority of the Arabic and Islamic world — especially the Islamic side.”
Abdul Rauf raised eyebrows last week when he departed on a State Department-sponsored goodwill mission to the Middle East, despite concerns that the trip may be helping him with the mosque’s $100 million fund-raising goal.
The Obama administration insisted the trip, reportedly with stops in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar, was strictly to improve understanding about Muslim communities in the United States.
But a London-based Arabic-language newspaper that interviewed Abdul Rauf reported that he said he would also collect money from Muslim and Arab nations around the world — raising the possibility that the American government is helping him build contacts in oil-rich states.
New York Congressional Candidate Michael Grimm , Republican, discusses why the government must investigate where the proposed mosque is getting its funding.
Michael Grimm left college after his freshman year and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.
He was awarded a Combat Meritorious Promotion to NCO as a result of his service in the Persian Gulf War.
Michael went to work for the FBI and was chosen to attend the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center where he completed the Federal Police Officer Training Program, graduating with Academic and Physical Fitness awards.
He was deputized as a U. S. Marshall and entrusted with full arrest authority as a Uniformed Police Officer for the FBI.
Michael left the FBI for a Research Analyst position on Wall Street working for Harmonic Research and, later, the firm of Robb, Peck, McCooey.
He attained several securities industry licenses and traded small cap stocks.
Michael attended Bernard M. Baruch College and graduated with a BBA in Accountancy with a concentration in Finance.
Michael returned to the FBI where he was appointed a Special Agent and assigned to the New York Office.
He was assigned to investigate the Gambino crime family and eventually joined the Financial Fraud Squad charged with investigating Wall Street activities.
During his tenure with the fraud squad, Michael successfully infiltrated Wall Street an undercover operative.
He maintained a deep cover role as a hedge fund manager for almost 2 years, while obtaining evidence against more than 50 individuals committing fraud, stock manipulation, currency scams, and money laundering.
He has gone undercover as a member of La Costra Nostra, a land developer, a struggling actor, a corrupt Wall Street financier, and an international money launderer.
Michael continued his education by attending New York Law School, eventually graduating Magna Cum Laude;he was admitted to practice law in New York and Connecticut.
After leaving the FBI to become an entrepreneur, he founded a small restaurant in Manhattan and is a principal in a biofuel company located in Austin, Texas.
Sarah Palin lauded Grimm’s military and law enforcement background, saying he’d fought in the Gulf War and had taken on “organized crime and Wall Street corruption.”
“He’ll represent New Yorkers with just as much integrity and courage as he defended them in the FBI and the Marine Corps,” Ms. Palin said in a statement released by the Grimm campaign.
Wild Thing’s comment……
I added the information about Michael Grimm because I thought it was ineresting with his background that it will have more pull when someone that investigated as much as he has wants answers. I hope he keeps asking and getting coverage in the media about it. I want all the rest of the Republicans to be asking the same question. Silence right now is not what is needed, they need to make it clear this is a democrat desire to have this mosque at Ground Zero.