Newsweek columnist says US funding mosque construction
American Thinker
by Lee DeCovnick
Truth, even in the tightly controlled prison of the Obama media complex, occasionally bursts forth like a swordfish cavorting on the waves of a golden August afternoon.
Newsweek, the Washington Post’s former progressive stepchild, published an op-ed by Fareed Zakaria, the in-house lapdog for the Administration, extolling the virtues of building the Ground Zero Mosque. A couple of sentences demand a great deal more explanation.
To that end, early in its tenure the Bush administration began a serious effort to seek out and support moderate Islam. Since then, Washington has funded mosques, schools, institutes, and community centers that are trying to modernize Islam around the world.
We should be encouraging groups like the one behind this project, not demonizing them. Were this mosque being built in a foreign city, chances are that the U.S. government would be funding it.
Perhaps we all missed the memo where US taxpayers are gleefully funding Islamic “mosques, schools, institutes, and community centers” around the globe. Of course, US troops have restored hundreds of schools and community centers in Iraq and Afghanistan, but mosques and Islamic institutes? This seems very difficult to believe.
So, as an enraged and curious taxpaying citizen, I have a few questions for Mr. Zakaria, our Congress and this Administration. What are the locations, costs, and dates of construction of these US taxpayer-funded mosques and Islamic institutes? If some of these mosques were built in the America, didn’t anyone contact the ACLU? (I would pay real money to be in “the room” during that discussion.) What particular piece of Congressional legislation authorized US taxpayer dollars to be spent on these mosques and Islamic institutes? Did our government apportion these funds fairly and equally between the Shi’a, Sunni, and Sufi sects of Islam?
The Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” I’m damn sure spending US taxpayer dollars on constructing mosques was not envisioned by the Founding Fathers nor by the overwhelming majority of American citizens.
US State Dept Sends Mosque Imam to Mideast
FOX News
State Department officials on Monday confirmed Feisal Abdul Rauf, the Imam of the so-called Ground Zero Mosque, will soon be going on a trip of the Middle East and the U.S. government will be picking up the tab.
The planned construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City has set off a contentious national debate over religious freedom in the U.S., drawing impassioned opposition from some families of 9/11 victims.
Rauf has emerged as a controversial figure because of his refusal to acknowledge Hamas as a terrorist organization, which is how the U.S. government classifies the group. The imam also has been quoted as saying U.S. foreign policy was in part responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
“He is a distinguished Muslim cleric,” said State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley. “We do have a program whereby, through our Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau here at the State Department, we send people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion within our society.”
Rauf and his partners are preparing to build a $100 million Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero, where on September 11, 2001 two airliners hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists, slammed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, killing nearly 3,000 innocents.
The project, known as Park 51, cleared a final hurdle on August 3rd, when decision by New York City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission cleared the way for construction. The tower could span up to 15 stories and will house a mosque, a 500-seat auditorium and a pool.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
As I read it, the article said the US was funding mosques in other countries not in the US. Thus, it was not funding the NYC mosque.
Fareed Zakaria is a total jerk, I truly can’t stand him. Fareed Zakaria, well known tool of Islamisists.
From what I can tell there is NO proof our tax dollars are paying for this mosque at Ground Zero. But this Fareed creep wants us to. If he knows something we don’t and he makes statements he cannot back up he better have proof! If true, this is a serious violation of the Constitution.
Regarding our TAX DOLLARS sending this terrorist Imam to the Mideast.
“It is to foster greater understanding and outreach around the world, among… Muslim- majority communities,” said Crowley.
“He is a distinguished Muslim cleric,” said State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley.
Oh, I feel much safer now that his credentials have passed muster with the State Dept. and they consider him distinguished. “The better to destroy you”. His itinerary has been set and as soon the Air Force One back-up returns with Michelle Obama, he’ll be on his way courtesy of the US taxpayer.
We finance our own doom.
…. Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Are there any Americans working in Washington D.C. and do any of them even have a clue what happened on 9-11, sounds like Reverand wright go to all these people.
Again this is another error of Bush’s. Just like failing to name the enemy, islam.
Marmk, good question. One has to wondeer that’s for sure.
Tom, yes sadly true.