Teen charged after crash of horse and buggy in chase
The Buffalo News
LEON—An Amish teen who tried to flee police faces charges of alcohol possession and “overdriving an animal” after he crashed his getaway vehicle— a horse and buggy.
Cattaraugus County sheriff’s deputies reported over the weekend that Levi E. Detweiler, 17, ran a stop sign and refused officers’ attempts to stop the buggy. Deputies chased Detweiler for about three quarters of a mile, and when he tried an unsafe turn into a driveway, he crashed the horse and buggy in a ditch. The teen then fled on foot but was found later in the area.
The Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Bureau completed an investigation and charged the youth with possession of alcohol by someone under 21, overdriving an animal, seconddegree reckless endangerment, failure to stop at a stop sign and failure to yield to an emergency vehicle in the incident that occurred at about 1:30 a. m. last Monday. He is free on $500 bail.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Wow…so not a story you hear every day!
I don’t like that he mistreated the horse and left it hooked up with the buggy overturned.
Did they drive up on the kid and hit the siren?
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Well lets see that couldn’t have been a high speed chase tops maybe 30 mph for the cop. Within the last 15-20 years Ahmish Teens have been spreading their wings a little. IN Ohio, they’d carry boom boxes in their buggies of course not turn them on until they are far out of reach of the farm.
When we lived in Ohio, the big town north of us was Mansfield, a farming community and even had an authentic Ahmish Restaurant. The Ahmish kids would come in on Friday go into a restaurant and change their clothes and go ‘Party’.
Unless they run away from the community they get an 8th grade education and spend the rest of their lives on a farm or some trade. From 12 to 21 they are expected to make a commitment to the community sort of like an Ahmish ‘Bar Mitzvah’. When they get to be 17 though it is cause for some concern for the elders.
They are self sufficient if they go to a hospital for treatment they always pay in cash, doesn’t matter what it is. It seems wierd but they are to be respected for their character and are generally upstanding citizens of the greater community.
Here in Pennsylvania, we have so many Ahmish around here all the local stores have hitching post nearby for the horse and buggies. It is the strangest thing to pull into ‘Allens Hardware’ Store and see a couple of horses and buggies tied to the post.
In fact the school shooting a few years ago was about 25 minutes from where we live. They are amazing people. I can’t imagine plowing a field of corn with a team of horses or harvesting it when ready.
If only all communities were as law abiding as the Amish, or Mennonites. I remember them from my youthful visits to my granmothers’ in Illinois and Minnesotta. The Menonites were always good for some homemade snacks. We thought they dressed funny and lived in the past, but we liked them and respected them. Good people.
To hell with the kid, is the horse OK?
On my route I go through Amish country each day…never have had any problems with any of them….and have heard that Amish Whiskey is the best…although probably bad for horses…
Mark, thank you for sharing about Ohio and also where you live now.
Tom, we have a lot of Amish here in Sarasota.Yes they are good people, was born in Illinois and remember them the same way you do too. Here in Sarasota they have several restrurants that are pretty good, lots of great pies. yummy
Cuchieddie, exactly.
James, good to see you. That is interesting I had no idea they had that.