On June 9th I posted about Maj. Stephen L. Godin
Marine: “Union bullying me to pay $500”
And there is a wonderful UPDATE to the story!!!
Ooh-rah! Mass. Governor Signs Bill, Saves Marine’s Job
FOX News
The Massachusetts governor signed a bill on Wednesday afternoon that saves the job of a retired Marine and public high school ROTC instructor who refused to pay teachers union fees.
Gov. Deval Patrick signed a supplemental bill that included language added as an amendment by state senator Richard R. Tisei that exempts Junior ROTC instructors at public high schools across the state from having to pay union fees. Juan Martinez, Patrick’s press secretary, confirmed that the ROTC provision was signed.
It was passed by the Massachusetts Senate and House earlier this week.
Sen. Tisei introduced legislation last week on behalf of Maj. Stephen L. Godin, a retired Marine and senior naval science instructor at the Naval Junior ROTC at North High in Worcester. Godin told who said he receives medical and dental benefits and half his salary from the military and refused to join the union or pay it’s “agency fee,” which is assessed to offset the union’s collective bargaining costs.
On Monday, Tisei, who is also running for lieutenant governor on the Republican ticket, reintroduced the bill as an amendment to a supplement bill that was passed by the Massachusetts Senate and House. The language added to the bill exempts public school junior ROTC teachers across the state from having to pay union fees.
Patrick, a Democrat is running for re-election against Republican Charlie Baker, whose running mate is Tisei.
Godin has told FoxNews.com that he has been teaching in Worcester for 15 years without having to join the teacher’s union or pay the agency fee. But last month he said he received a letter from school officials telling him he’ll lose his job if he doesn’t pay up by Tuesday.
“I just want to save my job here,” the 58-year-old father of two told FoxNews.com. “I’ve been doing this for 15 years. Nobody has ever told me to join the union or be terminated.”
An official with the Massachusetts Teachers Association said state law requires public employees–including teachers at public schools–to join unions as a condition of employment or to pay an agency fee.
Godin, who earns roughly $75,000 a year, said he has asked for arbitration no fewer than five times, but never heard back from the teacher’s union. Now, he’s waiting to hear back from the school district as the Tuesday deadline nears.
“It’s really nothing,” Godin said of the $500 fee. “It’s the principle of the matter. I think they’re trying to extort money from me. They do nothing for me.”
Godin says he should be exempt from the law since he receives military benefits, including medical and dental insurance.
“So that’s nothing to do with Worcester there,” he said. “Neither the union nor the Worcester Public Schools have allowed me to make that argument. It’s just the union that wants my money.”
Godin, who retired from the Marines in 1994 after logging more than 2,000-plus hours flying F-4 Phantoms and five overseas deployments, said he has not hired an attorney.
“That would cost me money, too,” he said.
Several messages seeking comment from officials at Education Association of Worcester and North High School, including Principal Matthew Morse, were not returned.
In a statement to FoxNews.com, Dr. Melinda Boone, superintendent of Worcester Public Schools, said she had not issued “any official position statement” to Godin or the union.
“I’ve asked our legal counsel to research my responsibility and obligations as superintendent in this matter,” Boone said in a statement.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This makes me very, very happy!
They just got their head handed to them on a plate. Unions 0; Military 1.
Even Deval the Dunce couldn’t ignore this issue. But do not be fooled: Deval Patrick is Obama’s Mini-Me. And he’s running for re-election.
Good for Major Godin!
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Great news! Finally some common sense!!
Anytime a union loses, is a good time.
Jan, I agree so much.
Tom, ditto that!