We’ve had four terrorist attacks in less than a year, two of which succeeded in killing people and another two which only failed because of the incompetence of the terrorist. Iran is a year or less away from getting a nuclear weapon. Turkey is rapidly sliding towards Islamism. North Korea is doing their best to restart the Korean War.
And what does Barbara Boxer think is the greatest national-security threat facing us in the next generation? Carbon dioxide.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Please God make it stop!
She has the IQ of a roll of toilet paper I swear!
Boxer is nuts beyond any reasonable comprehension. There are so many real problems facing America. Out of control govt. spending trashing our economy, illegal immigration, Third World nuclear proliferation, corruption in govt., etc. Yet Barbara is worried about a non problem. Typical liberal.
My gosh, she’s an complete idiot. I’m wondering if she can walk and chew gum simultaneously?
By saying that,”she has the IQ of a roll of toilet paper”, you are giving her way too much credit.
Carley Fiorina just won the Republican nomination to run against this worthless hag. If the voters of California are smart, which at times I sincerely doubt, they will take this opportunity to elect a truly competent individual to the Senate, in November.
I think that for the first time in Boxer’s tenure she is facing an opponent that will be able to counter all of the slander and salicious comments and rhetoric that Babs and her minions will throw at her.
Carly Fiorina is a Cancer Survivor, for gosh sake! that ought to tell you all that you need to know about the type of person that she is.
Let us hope and pray that come November, we in California, will finally be rid of this POS.
“She has the IQ of a roll of toilet paper I swear!”
Wild Thing you are too kind, I think a roll of toilet paper is smarter than Barbara “Call Me Senator” Boxer.
Sean – I wish you guys well. With the massive emigration of Americans and businesses out of California, I wonder if there are enough sane people left to vote Boxer out of office.
Roll of TP is that IQ determined if the TP is used or un used.
It will be great to see this Harpy lose her ass in this race. After all she paid so much money to be called Madame…errrr Senator.
If ever there was a gas bag walking, Boxer is it.. Talk about an old fart..
California is stewing in it’s own juice, they asked for it and they got it
sorry to say..
Does that mean she can be cited for producing excess CO2 pollution if she doesn’t shut up?
Tom, you said it better then I, that is so true too.To worry about this is stupid, even if she believes in global warming bs, there are other things so much more important.
BobF., LOL she probably can’t. haha
Sean, I agree, I will always be a Calif. girl no matter where I live, my heart is still in Malibu. So I watch all that is happening there.
Like you said this is the first time Boxer has some real competition. I sure don’t recall anyone else that had a chance to win against Boxer.
Mr. Happy, LOL yes your right.
Mark, LMAO good one.