Video is taken near Ground Zero in New York where thousands of people turned out this past Sunday, June 6, to rally against the proposed 13-story Grand Mosque to be build across from Ground Zero. The video is a powerful sampling of the sights and sounds from that day, including comments and speeches from some who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
In another time, in another America, the one you and I grew up in, THIS kind of thing would never have been allowed to happen. It never would have made it past the one person that even brought it up in the first place.
This mosque is the ultimate slap in the face to America. I don’t blame the muslims. They, unlike most Americans and American politicians, know there is a war to the death between islam and America. President Bush did all he could to avoid expressiong that fact. He even stated that America is not at war with islam and islam is a “religion of peace”. President obama is a muslim and is only too willing and glad to destroy the traditional America.
We are badly in need of leadership that recognizes the real war we are in and emphasises that fact.
Well stated Tom, the heads of progressives roll just like all infidel’s heads roll.
How about that mess in Arlington? Sheesh!!!
Somebody, ought to force this thing. A mosk is the last thing they need at ground zero. Keep up the good fight people.
Wow, that’s really something Jack. It seems to me they are too self absorbed with this PC crap than doing their jobs.
Thank you Tom, Jack and Mark.