Some very bad stuff approachung Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice and south areas.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
Tornado watch , the weather man said….”If you hear 100 freight trains…. covah u azzzz! ”
Only can do a few posts right now. I thought I could stay online longer, but it is really blowing outside and lightening with the very heavy rain.
Buiilding in Gulf to west of Sarasota .
Love you all!
Best of luck to y’all out there. I’ll be praying for you guys.
Stay safe!!!
Be careful. With a hurricane you know it’s going to hit and where but with a tornado, you don’t know.
Stay alert and keep your powder dry.
keep your survival kit handy,Nick and criters even closer.pop smoke if ya need help.
Stay safe & alert, and hope for the best
Yeah as said above Tornadoes are the sneaky ones you never know when they will pop up. The freight train analogy is right on too.
Just be safe. This is another good reason to have a basement.
And you know we love you, Chrissie. Sending good thoughts your way.
Thank you everyone sooo much. I tried to stay online but the lightening was coming so often more then I remember it ever doing it like that before. The wind too was strong but no bad happen, thank God.