Wild Thing’s comment…..
This is an amazing video on hummingbirds.
….Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
United States Army
Army Combat Engineers
Quang Tri & Chu Lai ’68 -’69
Jack’s blog is Conservative Insurgent
They are the most amazing creatures. They can stop in the air on a dime and change direction. They are amazing to watch.
The first one we ever saw was in Ohio, had a small Humming bird feeder out he stopped by and stayed for about 2-3 minutes then left and we never saw one again.
When we moved here to Pennsylvania, they are all over the place. We now have at least a half dozen Hummingbird Feeders, Finch Feeders, Oreile Feeders You name it and we got a feeder for it.
But the Hummingbirds are the most fun to watch. We got some Ruby throated and plain ones. Like other birds they don’t pirch to eat they eat at a hover.
These left wing morons can talk about evolution all they want this bird did not evolve he was created.
And if you stand real still holding a small feeder they will come right to you to feed. Pennsylvania has a lot of drawbacks, but when it comes to nature we are certainly blessed with Gods creations.
It is neat how technology continues to open doors for us. Those high speed cameras have been used to catch bullets in flight.
The hummingdird is Nature’s helicopter. They can hover. I like them. We have them all over around here. I only have a few flowers, but after seeing this I think i will put out a hummingbird feeder.
Thank you Chrissie, I have three birds that have wintered over the past two winters, they are one tough little bird as it gets down below zero some winters. It keeps me busy with 3 feeders, one set out and two being thawed and warmed for rotation. Don’t miss a feeding or you’ll be scolded.
Do it Tom, the reward is worth much more than the effort. I use 4 cups of water to 1 cup of sugar, brought to a rolling boil to ensure the sugar is dissolved and all germs are killed, no food coloring just make sure it’s at room temp before you put it out.
They are natural watchdogs too, they raise a ruckus whenever anything is amiss in the yard, neighbors, a dog, a cat or if you invade their territory you’ll get buzzed. I have seen them chase the redtailed hawk out of the yard that preys around my bird feeder, they are fearless:) Hummingbirds are one of God’s finest creations.
Mark thank you for sharing about Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Tom, that will be wonderful. I love when I see birds out of my window or when I am sitting on the patio and sitting very still they know they are safe and start to come closer too.
Jack, thank you again so much, this was so amazing to get to see them up close like this. Thanks for sharing too about what you do.