Sunday, May 24, 2009 file photo, Franklin Graham prepares to give the invocation before the NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 auto race at Lowe’s Motor Speedway in Concord, N.C
MRFF (Military Religious Freedom Foundation )
Group wants evangelist’s Pentagon event canceled
A watchdog group objected Tuesday to an evangelist’s invitation to speak at the Pentagon next month, saying his past description of Islam as “evil” offended Muslims who work for the Department of Defense and the appearance should be canceled.
Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said inviting evangelist Franklin Graham to speak May 6, the National Day of Prayer, “would be like bringing someone in on national prayer day madly denigrating Christianity” or other religious groups.
It would also endanger American troops by stirring up Muslim extremists, Weinstein said.
Graham is the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham and president and CEO of both Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian international relief organization in Boone, N.C., and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, in Charlotte, N.C.
He said through a spokesman that he will be a guest of the Pentagon and will speak only if he’s still invited. A military spokeswoman said she was locating officials to respond to the criticism.
After the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Graham said Islam “is a very evil and wicked religion.” In a later op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, Graham wrote that he did not believe Muslims were evil because of their faith, but “as a minister …. I believe it is my responsibility to speak out against the terrible deeds that are committed as a result of Islamic teaching.”
Graham hasn’t changed his views on Islam, said his spokesman, Mark DeMoss.
DeMoss quoted Graham as saying,
“As the father of a son serving in his fourth combat tour, I’d be glad to know someone was leading a prayer service at the National Day of Prayer, or any other day.”
Weinstein, the foundation president, also criticized the Pentagon’s working relationship with the National Day of Prayer Task Force, a Colorado group that organizes Christian events for the prayer day, designated by Congress.
Weinstein said that while he doesn’t object to the day of prayer, the Pentagon chaplain’s office has effectively endorsed the task force by using its materials and routinely inviting its honorary chairman to speak at the Pentagon. Weinstein said that amounts to preferential treatment in violation of Defense Department rules.
Graham is honorary chairman this year for the National Day of Prayer Task Force, based in Colorado Springs. A spokesman for the task force didn’t immediately return a telephone message.
Weinstein said the task force is entitled to organize Christian-oriented events. But he said the Pentagon chaplain shouldn’t be closely affiliated with the task force because it requires that all its events be conducted by Christians, although those with other beliefs are welcome to attend.
Penetration Even At The Pentagon: Muslim Spies Setting Muslim Policy
Investor’s Business Daily
The internal threat from Muslim extremists in the military extends to high-level Defense Department aides who have undermined military policy. In fact, one top Muslim adviser pushed out an intelligence analyst who warned of the sudden jihad syndrome that led to the Fort Hood terrorist attack.
An honored guest of the Ramadan dinner at the Pentagon this September was Hesham Islam, who infiltrated the highest echelons of the Ring despite proven ties to U.S. terror front groups and a shady past in his native Egypt.
As senior adviser for international affairs to former deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, Islam ran interference for the Islamic Society of North America and other radical fronts for the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood, the subject of my new book “Muslim Mafia.”
For example, Islam persuaded brass to sack a Pentagon analyst, Stephen Coughlin, after he advised cutting off outreach to ISNA, which he accurately ID’d as part of a covert terror-support network in the U.S. — something the Justice Department recently confirmed in a major terror finance trial.
Islam invited ISNA officials to lunch with the avuncular England, known by insiders as Gullible Gordon, who in turn spoke at ISNA confabs. Islam also helped set up a Pentagon job booth at one recent ISNA convention to recruit Muslim chaplains and linguists.
Most disturbing, Islam met regularly with Saudi and other embassy officials lobbying for the release and repatriation of their citizens held at Gitmo. He in turn advised England, who authorized the release of dozens of Gitmo detainees. Some have resumed terrorist activities.
No one really knew who Islam was when he was promoted — in fact, the Pentagon removed his bio from its Web site after reporters noted major inconsistencies in it — yet he was allowed to get inside the office of the Pentagon’s No. 2 official.
“In effect,” a senior U.S. Army intelligence official told me, “we’ve got terrorist supporters calling the shots on our policies toward Muslims from the highest levels.”
Meanwhile, politically incorrect prophets like Coughlin have been frozen out. After the betrayal at Fort Hood, the military could use his analysis of Islamic doctrine more than ever.
I attended a private briefing by Coughlin in February. In a PowerPoint presentation, he detailed how jihadists use the Quran to justify their actions. Some of his slides matched almost word-for-word Hasan’s own PowerPoint slides extolling the virtues of jihad and martyrdom. Both, for instance, quoted from the same Quranic passage known as the “Verse of the Sword.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
More crapola from supporters of Islam. Islam IS evil. I hope they let Graham keep his invitation and be there.
The group against Graham is called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and its AGAINST religious freedom.
Typical leftists
Mikey Weinstein is a vicious anti-Christian bigot and a liar. Whenever he speaks about Christianity it is with hatred and he consistently uses disease metaphors to refer to Christians and Christianity. He falsely accused Christian Air Force Academy Cadets of harassing his son.
Meanwhile, politically incorrect prophets like Coughlin have been frozen out. After the betrayal at Fort Hood, the military could use his analysis of Islamic doctrine more than ever.
Coughlin predicted Hasan’s mind-set. He first began briefing the Pentagon on this jihadist doctrine in 2002. So brass can’t say they didn’t know.
They were warned that the enemy was drawing on religious principles, and that our own Muslim soldiers could succumb to such thinking.
And they were warned that by using ISNA and other radical Brotherhood fronts to endorse Muslim chaplains and recruit Muslim soldiers, they were courting enemies of the U.S. — and courting disaster. But they were too drunk with political correctness to listen.
The 82nd Airborne is based out of Fort Bragg, which is part of North Carolina state Sen. Larry Shaw’s home district. Shaw is CAIR’s new chairman. He is also a minority contractor who operates Shaw Food Services Co. near Fort Bragg. According to the legislator’s financial disclosure form, Shaw Food customers include the Defense Department.
Yet CAIR, like ISNA, is an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator. The FBI says CAIR is a terrorist front group and has cut off formal ties to it. So should the military.
Also I highly recommend Major Coughlin’s Thesis as a good reference tool as well among your favorites.
We have gone crazy. We are allowing representatives of our mortal enemy islam to serve near the top of many of our govt. departments. Many of these people have ties to proven anti-American islamic organizations. Our president is a muslim, but a lot of the in the open infiltration was done under the Bush administration. Now terror attacks are called man made disasters and the enemy, islam, is not directly referred to. I think we need some drone attacks in Washinton DC.
I’ll pray for Franklin and he’ll do the same for US! A GODLESS nation will wreap what it sews.