Obama Directs NASA To Focus On Muslim Outreach
A few weeks after killing the U.S.A.’s world-famous moon-mission program, Barack Obama has ordered the space agency that operates it to focus on reaching out to Muslim countries.
Indeed the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) mission will shift from space exploration to Muslim diplomacy, as per the commander-in-chief’s orders. When Obama announced earlier this month that he would slash NASA’s $100 billion plan to return astronauts to the moon, he didn’t mention where some of the resources would be directed.
Obama only said the moon program (Constellation) is behind schedule, over budget and overall less important than other space investments. NASA’s attempts to pursue its moon goals were inadequate and took funding away from other important programs, including robotic space exploration, science and earth observations, Obama claimed.
NASA’s new secret Muslim outreach mission was conveniently omitted though the head of the agency finally revealed it this week. NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden disclosed that Obama wants him to “find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries” as part of the administration’s efforts to make the space agency a tool of international diplomacy.
Bolden referred to the new mission as an effort to reach out to “non-traditional partners,” especially countries that don’t have an established space program. Of special focus is Indonesia because it’s the world’s largest Muslim nation, Bolden explained. No word yet on how much money the U.S. government will invest in the Muslim outreach.
In the meantime, a congressional firestorm has brewed over Obama’s plans to nix the moon-mission program, according to news reports. Dozens of federal lawmakers have sent letters to NASA’s chief insisting that the Constellation moon program remain intact. Senator Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, blasted Obama for cutting the moon program since it will likely cause
Obama Asks NASA Chief to Reach Out to Muslim Countries
FOX Nation
NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said Tuesday that President Barack Obama has asked him to “find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries” as the White House pushes the space agency to become a tool of international diplomacy.
“In addition to the nations that most of you usually hear about when you think about the International Space Station, we now have expanded our efforts to reach out to non-traditional partners,” said Bolden, speaking to a lecture hall of young engineering students.
Specifically, he talked about connecting with countries that do not have an established space program and helping them conduct science missions. He mentioned new opportunities with Indonesia, including an educational program that examines global climate change.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I HATE that he screwed with NASA in the first place and now this crap. sheesh
So Obama to reach out with the funds he cut from NASAand instead to push his Muslims.
Obama is using the United States of America and all of it’s resources to further the Islamic agenda.
RUSH LIMBAUGH: “”Isn’t it interesting the Obama regime can call me any name in the book — troublesome, filled with vitriol — and yet you can’t call Muslim extremists ‘Islamic radicals’?” “
Perhaps it’s to help Muslims get closer to Allah, their Pagan Moon God. That being said Obama is not fit to be an American much less it’s President. Even Iran’s President Imanutjob has him pegged saying he is an inexperienced amateur.
Obama has done more damage to the United States since 2009 than had been done in the period 1776-2009.
With no going space vehicle program when the Shuttle quits in 3 flight, what the heck does this mean? Outreach about what? Send a probe to Yemen? Won’t muslims be royally offended at being treated like space aliens? [Scatches head.]
Are they planning a minaret on the space station? Or maybe a mud hut. How ridiculous is this?
Shithead obama IS a muslim. I imagine his education czar will be having kids taught that muslims invented electricity, won WWII and discovered America.
I just read that all candidates in Presidential elections since Watergate have been investigated, except one. Barak Whosane Obumma.
Since we’re not going to use them why don’t we just give the space shuttles to the mooooslems along with the operating instructions and let them fly them themselves since (according to obammy) they are sooooo technically adept. They’re probably already planning to fly them into the moon since they think we have people living there.
Bob A., LOL good one.
“Perhaps it’s to help Muslims get closer to Allah”
Anonymous, I agree it makes no sense. Just a way for Obama to bring up his muslisms is the only thing I can see in it. They never had a space program wth are we supposed to give them one and pay for it for them? I have no idea, but it sure stinks that obama is shutting down our own space program. grrrr
Jim haha good one, yes maybe that is what obama has in mind for them.
Tom, I bet he would do that too.
Mark, oh wow, thanks for sharing about that. VERY interesting.
RAC, good one. They can have a one way ticket all of the Muslims.