One group is taking freedom of speech and freedom of expression to the limits in a series of Metro Atlanta highway billboards voicing strong opinions against President Barack Obama.
The billboards are the latest move to sway public opinion — and for a price you can have your say.
The signs are in a series of four digital billboards ranging in price from $2,500 to $3,500 a month. They offer pre-packaged messages like “Stop Obama Socialism,” or one that can be seen at Spaghetti Junction saying “Now it’s personal.”
The group behind the billboards call themselves ….
Two of the billboard locations are on Interstate 85; one is at Spaghetti Junction and one along Peachtree Industrial.
11Alive News contacted the Web site owners today via e-mail and they said they would not reveal who they are or where they are based. They said they simply rely on e-mails to communicate.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Good for the people doing this.
You can see more of their billboards at their website.
I bet these billboards make a lot of people stop and think.
I sure hope so and wake up some more people. The more people aware of it the better. Talking to my daughter last week after Health Care was passed, I was surprised how little she knew about what this Hitler Health Care plan is all about.
This has got to be typical of most Americans, hopefully as more and more Ameriacns will wake up. But this is the crux of the Tea Partys membership. People who do follow the news and have made it a point to find out what is really going on. Truly, the Tea Party members have better things to do, but they realize that if they do nothing that will make it worse.
And a lot of people can’t be bothered and this is sorry and we must wake these people up.
The good news as I see it, the more moves to the left obama makes the better it is for us, the angrier the American Poeple will get. I will bet he never thought it would be this difficult. Well Barry its about to get worse.
Tom, I think your right, it has got to make waves and some will wake up and some obama voters will be upset, but it is the truth what they say.
Mark, I hope so too. I am so glad these billboards are showing up all over the USA.