19 Dec

Toby Keith Stands By War Before Nobel Performance

Here is the video from the party: the incident happens at 2.08 on the video.

Toby Keith stands by war before Nobel performance
American country singer Toby Keith says he won’t apologize for supporting U.S. war efforts just hours before performing at the annual Nobel Peace Prize Concert.

Keith says he supports American troops who “fight evil” abroad and that he stands by President Barack Obama’s decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. Obama is this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Norwegian parliamentarians and a former Norwegian Nobel Committee member have criticized the decision to invite an artist known for penning war anthems to perform at a concert promoting peace.
Keith spoke to journalists Friday alongside Nobel Concert hosts – rap artist Will Smith and his wife, actress Jada Pinkett Smith. Other artists, including British pop singer Natasha Bedingfield, also spoke.

Asian Groups Slam Toby Keith’s ‘Racist’ Gesture
Toby Keith may think his Nobel Peace Prize party eye gesture wasn’t a big deal — but TWO Asian organizations are furious about it, claiming the “racist” maneuver wasn’t just offensive, it was an embarrassment to his country.
As TMZ first reported, Keith pulled back his eyes when Will Smith rapped the word “yellow” during an impromptu performance in Norway a few days ago — Toby’s rep blew it off, telling us, “nobody at the party thought Toby was out of line.” But outside the party — people are pissed.
A rep for the Asian American Justice Center tells TMZ, “Toby Keith embarrassed himself and his country, denigrated the Noble Peace Prize and offended Asians and Asian Americans by using a crude, racist hand gesture.”
Another group — the Media Action Network for Asians — also took offense with Toby, telling us, “By doing this, he is telling his Asian fans ‘you don’t matter, you’re not on my radar.'”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Sheesh! Everybody wants in the Racial Grievance Industry.
Toby Keith first was asked this really rude question in the pre concert presser, that how could he “mr, boot up your behind” guy play in the nobel concert.
Will Smith was actually funny then. Stood up an ran towards the journalist implying he would put a boot up his….
Keith just said, “look stud, can’t here your question”. Then he said that he will support America against evil everywhere and never appologize.
Good for Toby Keith.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Mark says:

Sheeesh, Toby didn’t call them ‘Flat face’, slant-eyed whores, or ‘Slopes’. Talk about thin skinned. But obama apologized to the world, I thought everything was all better…Now.
The result of the whole world gone PC. Screw them.

BobF says:

Toby Keith is also an Obama supporter. Fortunately, unlike most Obama supporters, he does give strong support to our military.

Jack says:

Speakin’ of the aforementioned Mark. Apparently Tiger Wood never had it so good – or so often.

Mark says:

Jack, you’d think he’d be happy with a ‘hole-in-one’ but once is never enuff, eh.

Anon says:

Two days ago, December 17, 2009, I was ridiculed by Mr. Doug Roberts in, “From the Nut Files,” at http://lanl-the-rest-of-the-story.blogspot.com/2009/12/from-nut-files.html.
1. Mr. Doug Roberts is anti-American, anti-US Constitution, and anti-American nukes, in short: A Leftist Blog Thug, a neo-progressive, a Socialist – that serves the adversaries of US, due to the fact, that Mr. Roberts is against, “Defend Our Defenders,” “Defend US Against a Nuclear Armed Iran,” as well as, Mr. Roberts rejects the US Constitution, in his support of the usurper in the White House, Mr. Obama.
2. Mr. Doug Roberts= Mr. Barack Obama.

Wild Thing says:

Anon, thanks for sharing about that and for
the link. Wow you are right about your

Wild Thing says:

I agree about Toby, thank you everyone.
LOL that is funny Mark.