CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg
Exhorts Islamic faithful to target planes carrying ’82nd Airborne’
A Council on American-Islamic Relations adviser and regular speaker at its events has suggested Islamic law permits Muslims to attack C-130 military transport planes carrying the 82nd Airborne out of Fort Bragg, N.C., according to a stunning new book exposing Washington-based CAIR’s inner workings.
Radical Islamic cleric Zaid Shakir, a frequent guest speaker at CAIR events, tells his Muslim audiences: “Jihad is physically fighting the enemies of Islam to protect and advance the religion of Islam. This is jihad.”
Acceptable targets of jihad, he says, include U.S. military aircraft.
“Islam doesn’t permit us to hijack airplanes filled with civilian people,” Shakir once told a Muslim audience. However, “If you hijack an airplane filled with the 82nd Airborne, that’s something else.”
The 82nd Airborne Division’s elite paratroopers fly out of Fort Bragg, N.C., which is part of North Carolina state Sen. Larry Shaw’s district. Shaw is CAIR’s new chairman.
The recording of the lecture, which Shakir gave earlier this decade to a Muslim audience in the San Francisco Bay area, was obtained by the authors of the bestselling “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.”
The bombshell revelation comes in the wake of the worst military massacre at a domestic U.S. military base in American history, and the worst Islamic terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.
Last week, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly gunned down in cold blood more than 50 of his fellow soldiers preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan from Fort Hood, Texas. Eyewitnesses say before opening fire, Hasan jumped up on a desk and screamed, “Allahu akbar!” like the 9/11 hijackers. The suspect fatally shot 13, including a security guard. The death toll is actually 14 when a slain unborn child is counted.
Imam Shakir also gives his blessing to the use of bombs as a weapon of jihad, as long as the explosives hit “select” targets and are not indiscriminate in their destruction. Civilians can be a legitimate target, he says, if “there’s a benefit in that,” according to “Muslim Mafia,” co-authored by former federal agent P. David Gaubatz and investigative journalist Paul Sperry, author of “Infiltration.”
Even “old elderly men” and “women who are conscripted” – including Israeli and American women in uniform – are eligible enemy combatants in jihad. “This is Shariah,” Shakir asserts in a CD recording of one of his lectures in 2001, which the authors obtained from a radical mosque bookstore in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Shakir, a black convert, has been portrayed as a moderate in the mainstream media, including the New York Times, which recently ran a positive profile of him. His pro-jihad statements revealed in “Muslim Mafia” have not been previously reported. CAIR has sued and obtained a temporary restraining order to censor the book’s documentary evidence detailing CAIR’s support of terrorism and obstruction of FBI investigations.
Longtime CAIR advisory board member and chief fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj echoes his friend Shakir’s interpretation of jihad.
“If we go to war, brothers and sisters – and one day we will, believe me – that’s why you’re commanded [to fight in] jihad,” the imam has told his flock in Brooklyn. “When Allah demands us to fight, we’re not stopping and nobody’s stopping us.”
World Trade Center bombing
CAIR has invited Shakir back to speak at its events even after the FBI questioned him about a copy of one of his incendiary pamphlets found in the apartment of a suspect in the first World Trade Center bombing. The pro-jihad pamphlet lauded the “armed struggle” that brought about the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan, where U.S. troops are dying in record numbers from Taliban and al-Qaida ambushes.
Shakir, who recently confided to the New York Times that he’d like to see the U.S. “become a Muslim country” ruled by Islamic law, is a regular speaker at CAIR as well as Islamic Society of North America events. (Federal prosecutors say CAIR and ISNA are fronts for the terrorist group Hamas and its parent the radical Muslim Brotherhood, and the sister organizations were recently listed as unindicted terrorist co-conspirators in the largest terror finance case in U.S. history.) Recently, Shakir helped host workshops and delivered keynote speeches at banquets held at CAIR chapters in Chicago, Orlando and San Diego, among others.
Shakir holds little, if any, respect for law enforcement, particularly the FBI, according to “Muslim Mafia.” He constantly belittles the bureau in speeches to Muslims, even warning them that the FBI frames Muslims for terrorism – terrorist acts that he contends the FBI secretly commits.
“The World Trade Center bombing of course was aided and abetted by our good friends at the FBI,” the imam has claimed, in just one of the many wild-eyed conspiracy theories he peddles.
The American Muslim cleric also preaches treason against the United States, according to the book, which hit No. 5 on Amazon.com’s non-fiction best-seller list the day after it was released last month. It currently ranks No. 1 in books on terrorism and Islam.
Shakir advises the Muslim community in America to wage a cultural jihad now, and a violent jihad later – once the proper “infrastructure” is in place.
He says Muslims should respect American democracy insofar as it can be exploited to help the Brotherhood one day assume power here.
And the only thing that could stop the Islamization of America, he notes, is if its people rose up and denied the subversive movement the unbridled freedom it’s heretofore enjoyed.
However, if Americans were to do that, Muslims would then be obligated, he says, to exercise their supposedly “divine legal right” to rise up and wage violent jihad, reveals the book “Muslim Mafia.”
“What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims,” sermonized Shakir, who continues to be a marquee speaker at CAIR functions.
For now, he said, following the radical Muslim Brotherhood playbook, Muslims must continue to “create a state within a state.”
From the article above…….Note the name Siraj Wahhaj
Longtime CAIR advisory board member and chief fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj echoes his friend Shakir’s interpretation of jihad.
Look at this……………………
Mayor Bloomberg invites an Imam who was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing.
There’s uproar across the area Thursday over Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s decision to invite a controversial Brooklyn imam – who as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing – to City Hall for a Muslim community meeting. Siraj Wahhaj was a character witness for the blind sheik convicted of trying to blow up city landmarks. He was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing, and has called the FBI and the CIA the “real terrorists.” ”
“They’re trying to be politically correct, but these people are terrorists. They support and finance terrorism, and there’s no reason for him to be in on any meeting.” On Thursday, there was plenty of damage control from the Bloomberg camp. “In the case of this particular imam, I think if I had recognized the background I wouldn’t have invited him,” Bloomberg said.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Arrest him.
Right now.
Cripes, if I was to say “Hey, let’s go down to US bank tomorrow and get a couple grand”, and if anyone was to take me seriously, which they obviously shouldn’t because I’m trying to make a point, but if anyone did, then there is no reason I should not expect to get tear gassed soon.
Looky here…
CAIR Elects N.C. State Senator Larry Shaw as Board Chair
CAIR Chairman Sen. Shaw’s statement: “We look forward to partnering with the Obama administration to help defend civil liberties and to project to the world the best of our nation’s universal, constitutional and pluralistic values of freedom and justice.”
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
I thought that was a misprint that stated that NC State Senator Larry Shaw is the chairman of CAIR. It is factal. Shaw IS the CAIR chairman. muslims are quietly getting into political positions of power. I wonder how many will be appointed under the main muslim obama.
Mayor Bloomberg is an idiot. He does whateer is neccesary andspends great amounts of money to get elected. New Yorkers are fools for voting for him.
Trust is a bond that once broken can never be regained. One of the tenets of basic training is to build teamwork and trust, your life literally depends on that bond. Back in boot we had a prior service AF recruit being recycled through basic training in the Army, this guy was unstable, he limbered up an M14 one day on us as we were downrange marking targets, last time we him was in shackles as he was on his way to Presidio, another flake dropped his armed frag inside the pulpit, our training NCO saved our bacon but that individual too was gone!!!
Back a few years ago that lauded barrister of AARP, Mr Dees took on the ‘white supremacists’ in a lawsuit that he won against the KKK, so far there has been no outcry against the Imams who are fomenting hate crimes under the banner of religion by the hypocrites. Why is that organization still allowed to practice seeding hatred inside the United States and why hasn’t that Imam Zaid Shakir been removed from spreading that hatred?
All these Libtards think they can appease these radicals. Bloomberg, I believe he’s Jewish, is a fool for that reason too. After 9/11 how can any American trust a muslim, I don’t care, since 9/11, I haven’t seen one “moderate muslim” come out and condemn any of this crap. There may be some, but they are making themselves awfully scarce.
I sincerely can not believe what I am reading here… In a POST 9-11-01 world? Are you kidding me? And KLM will be flown to New York City for a CIVILIAN TRIAL now?
With all thats going on, the appeasement, apologies around the world, the big greeting he just today got in china, the Chinese made Tee-shirts: Oba-Mao. I can’t figure out if obama is just a dupe and a soros plant because he sure as hell couldn’t figure this out on his own.
Today his lackey, AG Holder is bringing to NYC 5 Terrorists from Gitmo to be tried, in a circus atmosphere. Meaning CIA will be called to testify and other top Bush aids. This will turn into a witch hunt of former Bush people and the United States will be on trial for 4 years, in Public in front of the whole world. Where our secrets of interrogation will be discovered, and virtually wipe out any advantage we had in questioning terrorist suspects.
The current deficit is 11,999,000,000,000.000 thats 11 trillion, 999 Billion the rest of it is chump change.
Who the hell is the president. We don’t know who this impostor is. What is he doing in China, making deals to sell more of the USA to the Chinese.
There is only one thing that we have that has any value on the world stage, and that is our land. Our country, its porperty our last asset.
And the people are still asleep. Some are awake, but not enough of them are even aware of what is really going on with their Freedom and Liberty.
Tom, that was my reaction too, that is just
had to be a misprint or something.
Your right about CAIR getting into our
Jack, I agree about trust too. Once it is
abused it is gone and never to return.
Mark, yes for some idiotic reason they
think they can appease these people.
Darth, very true, it is really hard to
believe. Shocking and it never seems to end.
Billy Ray, I agree it is totally disgusting.
Mark, I agree soooooo much. There is no way
Obama could come up with all of this on his
own. I really don’t think he is that smart.
Just like all his CZAR’s too, he had a ton
of help on who to pick so they would all be
the ones with the most destructive agendas.