Napolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash
Homeland Security secretary reassures Arab world that U.S. authorities were taking measures to quell anti-Islam sentiments after Fort Hood rampage.
FOX News
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates
U.S. Homeland Security officials are working with groups around United States to head off any possible anti-Muslim backlash following the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas, the agency’s chief said Sunday.
The comments by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also appeared part of efforts to reassure the Arab world that U.S. authorities were taking measures to quell anti-Islam sentiments after last week’s rampage by an American-born Muslim serving as U.S. Army psychiatrist.
“This was a terrible tragedy for all involved,” Napolitano told reporters in the United Arab Emirates’ capital Abu Dhabi. “Obviously, we object to — and do not believe — that anti-Muslim sentiment should emanate from this.”
Napolitano said her agency is working with state and local groups to try to deflect any anti-Muslim anger after the Thursday attacks by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim who reportedly expressed growing dismay over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The shootings left 13 people dead and 29 wounded.
“This was an individual who does not, obviously, represent the Muslim faith,” she said after meeting with a group of women university students.
Napolitano also planned talks with Emirates security officials, but gave no further details. Cooperation on security issues have been stepped up in recent years after airlines began direct flights between the UAE and the United States.
Last week, Napolitano was in Europe for meetings with political leaders and security officials.
Senator Joe Lieberman [I-CT] tells Chris Wallace of FOX News Sunday that he is going to begin a congressional investigation into what happened at Fort Hood.
Lieberman says that there are concerns that the shooting rampage suspect Major Nidal Malik Hasan had become an Islamist extremist, and that Hasan’s actions may be properly classified as the worst terrorist attack on American soil since September 11, 2001.
Wild Thing’s comment………
So a terrorist kills unarmed men and women on US soil, and as a result HS says they are working to protect Muslims?
Well, Barack Hussein Obama did vow to protect them at all costs.
Being as the terrorist sat on one of her own freaking panels with Homeland Security …words fail to express my disgust with her. This official Jihad Denial is getting downright kooky. This government is like a Fellini Circus.
They are more concerned about anti-Muslim backlash than what happened and information that is TRUE about the man that did this yessss TERRORIST ATTACK Janet!
“Janet Napolitano says her agency is working with groups across the United States to try to deflect any backlash against American Muslims”
Can there be any doubt that Obama and the Democrats are working to sabotage our country? Jihadists have infiltrated our military and are involved in a program of murdering Americans every chance they get. Our tax dollars are being used to protect these Jihadists and make sure no one interferes with their mission.
Islam has declared WAR on the West, you shiite-for-brains idiot.
Attempting to mitigate our people’s RIGHT to defend themselves, or to fight back in every way against this aggressor, is TREASON.
Of course, there will be a backlash, you dolt. And what NERVE she has to “Warn” us! ???? Sheesh! Is that a threat Janet? A threat we are not to say it was a terrorist act? TUFF! This was an attack on a military instalation with civilian colateral damage. Islam is a repellent totalitarian system (not a religion) with the stated goal of using violence to subjugate and forcibly convert non-adherents. Resistance to this anti-Western system must be commensurate with the threat, which is total.
Arif Alikhan (muslim) Asst. Secretary of Dept. of Homeland Security for the Office of Policy Development.
Kareem Shora (muslim) Dept. of Homeland Security, Advisory Council. Is also the National Executive Director of the American Arab Anti-discrimination Committee.
Dalia Mogahed (muslim) on the Advisory Council on Faithbased and Neighborhood Partnerships. Is also the Executive Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. She has said it is her job to convey to Obama (pees be upon him) what it is that muslims want.
Nidal Hasan (muslim) was on the Homeland Security Policy Institute Presidential Transition Task Force.
This does not make my homeland feel more secure. There is more concern about protecting the muslims against Americans than there is about protecting Americans against the muslims. Something is very wrong with that.
Just one more thing! Notice the difference in the freaking PC America with the left ruling over us, yes ruling, and how if this attack had happened in Israel there would be NONE of this BS about was it a terrorist attack or not.
We need to have that same mentality here. Call it what it is and fight back!
Remember Obama said this — “In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
So…………can you tell me when your citizens are going to hit the streets in protest over the endless lies, the PC spindoctoring and the re-invention of the truth. When did it become a crime to question where America is heading?
Just as a test I am going to watch with facsination how YOUR government, and YOUR Press and YOUR military re-invents this muslim Major who slaughtered 13 of YOUR own citizens. Oh, make no mistake. It WILL be all about how he was a ‘troubled’ man. How he faced ‘percecution’ from fellow officers. How he tried to ‘leave’ the Army and how he recieved ‘bad reviews’. Anything to avoid stating the bloody obvious. He murdered 13 of his comrades and USED his religion to justify it !!!!!
So….when will the American people address the Trojan horse that is now evidently within? The Army is just the beginning…..next they will try for the Pentagon, the CIA and the FBI…..if they haven’t already done so. Unless your people hit the streets in protest, America is gone…..seriously. I mean what I say. I saw this crap coming down the pike three or four years ago. It’s not going to improve…….it’s going to get very very ugly and nasty. If the Europeans keep pandering to the muslim hordes entering that region and allowing Turkey to join Nato and the EU they too are toast. We have our own battle here as well…….want some advise? Stock up on your guns and buy crateloads of extra AMMO. At least you Americans still have them…….for now.
Oh, and btw – The video showing Major Hassan inside that convenience store dressed in his muslim robes – they are not indicative of Palestiian style garb. He is wearing the robes of the Tablighi Jammat movement – a movement that spreads radical Islam across the globe – including here in Australia.
This is ridiculous! He planned this, as a suicide bomber would. He won’t get the death penalty, like a normal American would, oh no. He’ll get life in an insane asylum but some panty waste judge will lessen it because he’s suicidal to alleviate his pain. It’s BullCrap! Hey, Janet from another planet, how about protecting our brave kids who serve to protect us from assholes like Major Hasan? Do their lives mean nothing to you? You are definitely a horrible person to not concern yourself with the real victims of this needless, senseless tragedy.
Janet “From another Planet” Napolitano has destroyed any credibility she may have had with “normal” people. Her only followers these days are her fellow politicians and a few kool-ade drinkers.
She calls my fellow veterans “extremeists”, but salves the poor muslims hurt feelings. What a sorry douCHE she is.
“Never Forget Fort Hood Texas 11/5/09”
“99.999% of TERRORISTS are MUSLIM!”
Janet Napolitano ( the most worthless governor that Arizona EVER had ) is once again proving what a dumb Shiite she is.
The mooselimbs SHOULD be worried about backlash. They should be VERY afraid of people like me and my neighbors. We are armed, at all times, and in all places.
Mooselimbs are OUR enemy and OUR country is not exactly at war with any country. We are at war
with Islam. The Crusades should have killed them ALL; then we wouldn’t have them as a painful pustule on the world.
“You’re making the wrong assumption that a Marine by himself is outnumbered.”
–Marine General Peter Pace, 28Jul06
No word from Janet about how Dept. of HS is working tirelessly to ferret out any other potential terrorists who may be planning this type of attack…isn’t that the job of Homeland security?? Not to protect Muslims from backlash but to stop terrorist attacks? I’m waiting for the officer who shot the terrorist to be charged with a hate crime. Geez.
Wild think. Thank you for keeping up the drum beat. I have no idea how you mange to express your self day in and day out with such bad news comming, it seams like every day.
During the campaign obama said, as WT pointed out above, if push came to shove OBAMA would side with the muslims. Thats exactly what he’s doing.
Any attack on America or Americans can be laid at the feet of Obama. He lied when he said he would do anything to defend this country. The FBI new about this guy 6 months ago and did nothing…on orders from obama ? I’d bet not because they wanted to.
If this was a Timothy McVey, you’d see a whole different set of rules in handling this case. They’d be arresting every white man that looked like a white supremacist.
Some muslims are praising this islamist piece of scum while labeling those he murdered and wounded as terrorists. And yes they are muslims in this country. This groups phone number is a Bronx, NY area code.
Read the post here.
There are links to their site.
Lard for me bullets and beer for me horses. Terrorist executions, the 9-11 plotters, the first attackers on the WTC, the Ricin mailer, where is justice? As heinous as his crimes were McVey was rapidly executed to send a message to all right wingers. Tomorrow is execution day for DC sniper John Mohammed, will it be carried, will the scum intervene or will Obama simply commute his sentence? He is both black and a muzzie!!!
We are at war with islam. islam is America’s political, cultural, spiritual enemy. GW Bush labeled this War with Terrorists instead of labeling it with our real enemy, islam. Janet is just an idiot involved with political correctness. She also thinks illegal aliens should be given citizen rights and should be allowed across the border.
We have an absolutely sorry excuse for a government. It is self serving and growing up to the point of absolute control over us. It is anti Constitutional. obama is a muslim and a communist. Members of his administration are criminals, thugs and muslim . Like Lynette said, Buy More Ammo.
It’s sickening. The spin has already begun. I haven’t heard anyone yet in an official capacity talk about what Hasan said as he was gunning down unarmed troops and civilians. This is going to be politically smoothed and the truth won’t be told except from those that were there. Those that survived it.
Damn, what about anti-American “backlash”? (You know, 9/11 and all.) Why don’t do something about that first?
Update, SCOTUS just upheld John Mohammed’s execution. I have a rapid lethal injection method and it’s painless too!!!
This clip illustrates nicely the behavior of our country, there simply isn’t enough outrage yet, like there is here at TW.
“”This was an individual who does not, obviously, represent the Muslim faith,” she said after meeting with a group of women university students.”
Obviously, La Napolitano has never been within yards of the koran, with it’s “convert or die” theme. He represents that oppressive death cult all too well.
Janet is so far out in left field that she will never find her way home. The big tent party of the Democrats with all its political correctness will be in the end their undoing.
If they open a season on moderate moslems, will there be a bag limit ? How much will it cost to mount a trophy Muzzie, with the addition of a “Third-eye”.
TomR, you and I are truly Brothers.
Mark, no bag limit. Before quoting you a price; do you want a “wall mount” or do you want a taxidermy “stand up” model?…you know…like Teddy Roosevelt with his stuffed Grizz.
Steve, CEO of “Mooselimb Trophy’s-R-Us”
Free Ham with each purchase.
This pathetic excuse for a government we have can’t even acknowledge the fact that we (actual Americans) are engaged in a war with terrorists
(muslims) overseas, how can anyone expect them to comprehend that the enemy has already infiltrated this country. “Department of Homeland Security” my ass, unless your homeland is Palestine!
BTW, where’s Napolitano’s headscarf? What a totaly clueless bitch
Awesome comments and I thank you all so much.
Thank you too for the links.
I LOVE all of your input and agree so much.
I hate to say this but what the hell will it
take for those so concerned with being PC about this attack and when did they forget the USS Cole and 9-11 and the Marine Barracks and all the other
attacks by MUSLIMS. sheesh!
From Melbourne Australia. A student told us today that his teacher brought up the subject of Fort Hood, and mentioned that the perpetrator was a muslim. He said you could have cut the atmosphere in the class with a knife. Everybody suddenly became uncomfortable and were reluctant to discuss the issue. See what is happening? NOBODY wants to confront what is happening inside our own countries with these damned muslims!! As you said Chrissie – what is it going to take to make politicans and constituants sit up and take notice of what is right in front their noses. It damnwell reminds me of Nazi Germany!! Everybody is ducking and diving, quivering under their beds like frightened gerbils!!!