Fort Hood shootings: FBI given gunman’s name six months ago
The US Army major who killed 13 people in a shooting spree at America’s biggest military base had come to the attention of the FBI six months earlier over possible links to extremist comments posted on the internet.
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a devout Muslim who was trying to buy his way out of the Army, was suspected of being the author of postings which compared suicide bombers to heroic soldiers who throw themselves onto grenades to save others.
It also emerged that Hasan, 39, had described the US Army as “the aggressor” in Iraq and Afghanistan and was resisting a planned deployment to Afghanistan, raising questions over whether the military missed warning signs which might have prevented the massacre.
Six months ago the FBI was alerted to postings by a blogger called Nidal Hasan on the Scribd website. The author wrote about a US soldier who had died smothering a grenade blast, saying: “Scholars have paralled (sic) this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers.
“If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory.”
Law enforcement sources said that before the shooting no formal investigation had been launched into the internet postings and Hasan had not been confirmed as the author, but his apartment in Killeen, Texas, has now been searched and his computer seized.
“This is going to be a long and convoluted and messy investigation,” the source said.
The gunman, a psychiatrist at the Darnall Army Medical Center on the base, whose job is to help soldiers deal with combat stress, was said by his family to be “mortified” at the prospect of being sent to Afghanistan, which they said would have been his “worst nightmare”.
A neighbour who lived in the same apartment block as Hasan said he had told her he was due to leave for Afghanistan yesterday, just 24 hours after the shooting.
Patricia Villa said Hasan had given her frozen food, T-shirts, shelves, an air mattress, briefcases and a new copy of the Koran, and offered her $60 to clean his flat after he left. Investigators have not given details of whether Hasan had been due to leave so soon, or whether he was putting his affairs in order knowing he was about to go on the rampage.
Hasan, who prayed every day at his local mosque, had begun Thursday, as he did every day, by visiting a 7-eleven convenience store on the base to buy groceries. A CCTV image from the store showed him at 6.20am local time wearing a long white dishdasha and skull cap, the traditional Arab dress he often wore when off-duty.
“He looked normal,” said the owner of the store. “He came in and bought coffee and hash browns.”
Around 300 soldiers had assembled at the Soldier Readiness Center on the base, where they were to have inoculations before being sent to Afghanistan, when Hasan, dressed in his military uniform, entered at 1.30pm and opened fire at close range with two privately-owned handguns.
None of the soldiers were armed and some barricaded themselves into rooms off the main hall of the building while Hasan repeatedly reloaded his weapons and fired indiscriminately for 10 minutes, killing 12 soldiers and a civilian.
Survivors described how Hasan had “a very calm and measured approach” as he fired scores of rounds. Lt Gen Bob Cone, the base commander, said one soldier had told him “I made the mistake of moving and I was shot again”. Others “would scramble to the ground and help each other out”, he added.
Officer Munley and a colleague were on the scene three minutes after the first shots were fired, but it took several more minutes before they could stop Hasan as he carried on firing.
Once the gunman had been brought down, soldiers rushed to treat their comrades by ripping up their uniforms into makeshift bandages.
The dead included Private Michael Pearson, 21, from Chicago. His mother Sheryll said: “His father is still in shock and very angry. We’re all very angry.”
Captain Reis Ritz, 30, a physician working in the emergency room at Fort Hood when the dead and dying came in, said: “It was just unreal. When I heard there was a shooting I thought initially it might be a drill. But when I saw the wounds and the number coming in I realised what was happening.
“There were gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomens. They seemed like random shots all over the place. Some of the guys were unconscious, others were talking when they came in but we had to put them under,” he told the Daily Telegraph.
“I was trying to resuscitate people, clearing airways, replacing blood, inserting chest tubes. It was frantic, chaotic but controlled. We are a close community and we wanted to do our best for these guys.”
Wild Thing’s comment……
The buck stops at Obama’s desk! But oh that’s right, how could I forget. Obama’s homeland security document said right wingers and those who’d ALREADY BEEN DEPLOYED were the threats to national security.
This POS should have received military courts-martial, dishonorable discharge and put on a terror watch list.
The message to the entire jihad world is this:
You can be an active-duty member of the US military and publicly post anti-American Muslim jihad rhetoric and…attend enemy insurgent training bases in your 7th century uniform and…even be reported as a threat and the “authorities,” civilian and military, WON’T DARE TOUCH YOU.
Barack HUSSEIN Obama!!!!
If the FBI had his name 6 months ago as a possible threat, why wasn’t anything done? Oh, that’s right, he’s a muslim and we can’t do anything to them. They have more rights than we do. That’s right. I forgot. How silly and stupid of me. And who’s to say now that other muslim soldiers won’t do the same at other bases around the world? If Obama does nothing about this, it will be the beginning of the end and he will be a one termer and he will have ruined it for other minorities who may want to be President someday. They will remember what an idiot cheapskate this President was and they won’t want it again.
The silence is deafening from CAIR, the ACLU and NAACP organizations…Imagine that?
Any military co-worker or associate who would have reported Hasan for his remarks or suspicious behavior would have been labeled a racist and most likely have been thrown out of the Army.
For what it’s worth Lieberman promises an investigation. Earle Warren is gone so who’ll get the honor of sweeping this turd under the rug? Paging the honorable John Kerry!!! FMTT!!!
PC is beyond the limits of reality. We are so afraid of hurting smeone’s feelings that we ignore the obvious and dangerous. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 99% of terrorist acts are committed by muslims. Publically in has been acknowleged that about a half dozen plots have been thwarted in America by good police work. Eventually one or more will get through. Will we continue then to refuse to label it correctly. Will we refuse to say muslims committed the act. Americans will get fed up with this bullshit. We will do something. With this sorry muslim we have for a president I think it may be sooner than later.
Here’s a good read by LtCol Ralph Peters in the NY Post.
For the first time since I joined the Army in 1976, I’m ashamed of its dereliction of duty. The chain of command protected a budding terrorist who was waving one red flag after another. Because it was safer for careers than doing something about him.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/fort_hood_xjP9yGrJN7gl7zdsJ31vnJ#ixzz0WOC8TwSV
Lieberman has been good on the War. So maybe he will look into to this. If he isn’t stonewalled by obama and his communist crew.
Also, What I want to know is when is the CIC going to visit the Wounded troops at Fort Hood ? He’s got plenty of time to tell the American Indians that he’s going to give them the “Wealth” but no time to visit the Base ? obama’s a scumbag.
It’s the Jihad, stupid! (Duh!) But, “he never gave any absolute indications he was going to do anything” you’ll hear now. Political correctness is our undoing.
If Obama had been a real CIC:
1. He would have given a speech at the White House, November 5, 2009, and addressed a zero tolerance of Islamic extremism within US Armed Forces, or any other institution within the US government, and heeled the nation after the massacre at Fort Hood, TX.
2. November 6, 2009, the day after the massacre at Fort Hood, TX, that killed 13 people (and an unborn), and wounded 38, Obama should have been at Fort Hood, TX, and expressed his support towards the dead, and wounded at Fort Hood, TX, as well as, addressing support for US Armed Forces.
3. Instead, Mr. Obama is scheduled to be at Fort Hood, TX, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 5 days after!!! the massacre, and essentially showing little or no respect for the dead, and wounded at Fort Hood, TX, with such a bad timing of arrivial.
4. “Obama Is Setting You Up: Department of Homeland Security ´Muslim Americans Could Be Victims,´” at http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2009/11/obama-is-setting-you-up-dep…icans-could-be-victims.html, with summary of “Islamic Terror Attacks on American Soil,” short summary:
— People killed by radical Muslims on 9/11/01: 2,996.
— Muslim-Americans killed “in revenge”: 1.
— 3,308 killed by Muslims in America in 65 terror attacks, between 4/14/1972 – 11/5/2009.
5. Obama is MIA at Fort Hood, TX, and at Berlin, Germany in the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
6. Tear Down Obama!!!
My correction:
1. , and healed the nation after the massacre at Fort Hood, TX.
Tom I agree…”PC is beyond the limits of reality.”
There is no way it can be used any more in
the world we live in. I hated PC from the
start and now I see even more reasons
why it is so wrong and can do harm as well.