24 Oct

The Teleprompter Let’s Obama Know Who Is Boss

Obama’s Ongoing Teleprompter Battle Continues at MIT

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LMAO so much for being a GREAT speaker. I have never understood when they say he is a great speaker.

BobF says:

He’s not a great speaker at all but he does have an uncanny ability to read the teleprompter and make it sound as if they’re his words.

cb says:

Ha Ha Ha! Such a jerk, can’t even follow the teleprompter. I have digressed.

Jack says:

But Chrissie, Il Duce is a Democrat and they have Gravitas, that is all that matters. If Bush was their bumbling idiot where does that leave this Hyena? Zoos have African lions our nation has a lyin’ African!!!

TomR says:

Mr Teleprompter is playng jokes again. In actuality, obama does read very well. He also has pat statements he can rattle off well. But, if he is taken off subject he is a stutterer.

Wild Thing says:

BobF, hahahaha you so right.

Wild Thing says:

cb, hahaa it would be fun to really mess
with his teleprompter at some really
important speech where there would be
thousands and thousands of people there.
heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Jack, giggle yes that’s true.
The funny thing is I always loved the way
Bush had his way of pronouncing things.
And how he would lower his voice like John
Wayne when he was getting really serious.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, heh heh yes your so right.

LarryK12309 says:

Remember how they used to say,
“Somewhere in Texas a village is missing it’s
Trouble w/ BAMA is, we don’t know where he’s really from!
Is it somewhere in Hawaii, somewhere in Kenya,
see, it doesn’t work! But somewhere they’re really missing their idiot!