Meet White House adviser who supports Islamic law
She describes her role in the Obama administration as a communicator to the president and other public officials of “what it is Muslims want.”
But Muslims such as Steven Schwartz, a prominent American convert to Islam and ardent critic of Muslim fundamentalism, contend Dalia Mogahed, a scheduled speaker at the annual fundraiser Saturday in Washington for the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations, certainly doesn’t speak for them.
A senior analyst and executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, Mogahed was appointed to President Obama’s Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
The Egyptian-born, hijab-clad adviser drew attention earlier this month when she defended Shariah, or Islamic law, on a British television show hosted by a member of an extremist Muslim group, insisting the majority of women around the world associate Shariah with “gender justice.”
Schwartz, executive director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism, states in a column for the Weekly Standard that according to Mogahed’s view, Muslims are “either fundamentalist or confused.”
“Their attitudes toward Islamic law are divided, in her terms, only between supposedly wanting Shariah to be the sole source of governance and seeing it as one source of legislation among various canons,” he writes. “But for her, even this distinction is less important than proclaiming the satisfaction of Muslim women with Shariah.”
As late as Oct. 15, CAIR’s promotion of its 15th annual banquet listed Mogahed as a keynote speaker along with a controversial imam, Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing investigation who has been recorded calling for the violent replacement of the U.S. government with a Saudi-style Islamic system.
But by Friday, days after the release of “Muslim Mafia” – a book citing internal documents obtained in an undercover operation that establish CAIR functions as a political front group for the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood – Mogahed’s name was replaced with civil rights activist Jesse Jackson’s. Mogahed’s assistant says, however, he hasn’t been informed of any changes.
Schwartz says Mogahed shares the “outlook of Islamists in Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan and other countries threatened by fundamentalist tyranny, in which religious governance is posed as the sole alternative to secular dictatorship.”
Pointing to her views expressed to a church leader writing in Christian Century magazine, Schwartz says that “while Muslims around the world are increasingly turning toward civil society, Dalia Mogahed offers the retrograde fantasy of Shariah as liberating, even as comparable with the principles of the Declaration of Independence.”
In an interview with Islam Online in April, Mogahed said she didn’t consider herself an adviser on Islam. Her role in the Obama administration, she explained, is “to convey the facts about what Muslims think and feel.”
“I see my role as offering the voices of the silenced majority of Muslims in America and around the world to the council so that our deliberations are informed by their ideas and wisdom,” she said. “I believe that I was chosen because the administration cares about what Muslims think and wants to listen.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Islam is the true law of oppression and destruction (the destroyer and deceiver). A description of how Satan moves about the earth today. We are the last nation that hasn’t cast GOD away, even though as a nation under the current Facist administration is trying hard to break down our Christian roots, value and moral foundation and move us closer to muslim acceptance which I won’t accept.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
An advisory to communicate what Muslims want? Why does Obama need that since he grew up Muslim?
Good one BobF. Muslims don’t want, they demand. Their numbers are growing in America as we allow more to immigrate here. Soon we will be like Europe unless we are allowed to keep our guns. European citizens are unarmed and their “muslim” guests are starting to take over. That is what Mogahed wants. She will get a lot of support for her wants from obama.
Where is the Mossad when we truly need them?
I propose a bounty on muzzies, just enough to cover the costs of ammo.
I’m getting sick of having to make amends to them. All they do is take, take, take and give nothing back that’s any good. Shariah law-no, I don’t think so. My daughters in burkas? No, I don’t think so. My daughters not being able to go outside or hold jobs? Forget it. These people are so blind to seeing our side or our piece of the pie. They want it their way and their way only. Spoiled brats!
Why is obama taking advice from a woman, especially a female muzzi, in their own tribe they are second class citizens. Hell for all obamao knows this may not even be right. No wonder he’s not sending anymore troops, she told him no.
This gets worse by the day. I am waiting for the first shot.
Stolkholm Syndrome in the flesh… total nutcase.