18 Oct

G.I.Joe and Lillie

G.I. Joe and Lillie ………An American Love Story
His website
Joseph Bonsall, known the world over as the sparkplug of the Oak Ridge Boys, took snippets of time, when he could, to write a tribute to his parents, who are simply known throughout the book, as G.I. Joe and Lillie.
Many of you have come to know Joe as a successful author. His critically acclaimed Molly The Cat book series, as well as his many published articles have established him as a talented and appreciated author, Joseph S. Bonsall.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I love this!
And I never knew he wrote books and a book series about cats too. How cool!

….Thank you Horace for sending this to me.
Horace Smith, Pvt. E-1, USAR

Wild Thing!:
Where was the Kleenex alert? That was great, girl! Except for the tears on my keyboard. Thank you, and thank you too, Horace.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”

TomR says:

What a great tribute to his parents. Joe is multi talented. He is also, obviously, a man of great faith and patriotism. Thanks WT and Horace. This post brings my frustrations back to a warm simmer for a while.

Wild Thing says:

Frankly, I was going to do that, then I
thought it might ruin the effect to be
expecting something.
Thank you Frankly.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I am glad. We have to do what we can
to hold on and nice things this help.