In 1934, WWI Veterans erected a monument to honor their comrades who had died in battle. The ACLU now wants to tear it down, and all public memorials like it, because of its religious imagery.
After WWI many U.S. soldiers moved to the Californian desert to find physical and emotional healing. In 1934, they erected a memorial to honor their fallen comrades, a single white cross, – a symbol used around the world to memorialize those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
The site for the memorial was chosen because at a certain time of day, the sun casts a shadow on the rock which resembles a WWI doughboy. For more than 75 years, the memorial has stood as a reminder that there were those who fought and died for our freedoms. But sadly today, the ACLU and a federal judge in California, want to tear it down. In fact, the judge has ordered the memorial covered from view while the case is on appeal. Please join us in saying “donttearmedown.” We think Americans should honor their war heroes and the freedoms they so valiantly protect; and we’re taking our case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court this fall. Please join us in this battle, go to www.donttearmedown.com.
The Mojave Desert Memorial Cross has stood proudly for over 75 years, honoring our American war dead. Or it was until the ACLU stepped in and got a judge to rule the memorial to World War I veterans unconstitutional. They covered the cross with a bag, and when that didn’t work, they boarded it up in a plywood box. Now, they’re threatening to tear down this national monument because they don’t believe America should have religious imagery anywhere on public property.
Here’s some history:
1934 The VFW erects the cross and plaque to remember fallen service members at Sunrise Rock in Mojave Desert.
1999 National Park Service (NPS) denies a request to erect a Buddhist statue near the cross and indicates intention to remove the cross.
2001 Congress prohibits NPS from spending federal funds to remove the cross. Frank Buono, former NPS employee, files suit claiming an Establishment Clause violation.
2002 Congress designates the cross and surrounding property as a “national memorial commemorating United States participation in World War I and honoring American veterans of that war.” Congress also agrees to give the VFW one acre of property on which the cross sits in exchange for five acres of privately-owned land elsewhere in the Mojave Desert Preserve.
July 2002 The District Court rules cross is unconstitutional and must be removed.
Sept. 2002 Congress again passes a bill ordering the NPS to transfer the land surrounding the cross to the VFW.
2004 The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals agrees with district court that the cross must be removed.
2005 The District Court enforces a permanent injunction against the cross.
2007 The Ninth Circuit rules that Congress cannot cure an Establishment Clause violation by transferring land.
2008 The Ninth Circuit refuses to hear the case again.
2009 The Supreme Court agrees to hear the case. The Supreme Court will hear the case on October 7, 2009; cross is covered with a plywood box.
Some Iraqi Veterans are going that “extra mile” for this cause:
Dear Friend of Liberty:
Thank you for standing with us in the fight to save The Mojave Desert Memorial Cross and our nation’s war memorials by signing our online petition.
I have some important news to share with you about the campaign.
Since launching www.donttearmedown.com just before Memorial Day, more than 100,000 patriotic Americans like you have signed our petition of support and there have been over 1.7 million views of our video! The response has been truly amazing.
In fact, some young American soldiers fighting in Iraq saw our video and have decided to take a stand! Imagine their disappointment to find out that as they are fighting for freedom abroad, there are those back home who want to dishonor their service and sacrifice by tearing down their memorials.
These brave soldiers, who just returned from the front a couple of weeks ago, are caravanning across the country Sept. 14-17 to raise awareness of the plight of the Mojave Desert War Memorial and gather signatures of support. Click here for their itinerary .
They leave Fort Polk, LA Sept. 14 and will travel to the memorial to lay a wreath, observe a moment of silence and read the names of fallen comrades. Veterans from VFW and American Legion posts will join them along the way. CNN and ABC News are planning coverage of the event!
This is good news, because the more people who know the facts of this case, the better the chance at stopping future attacks on our memorials. This is why we appreciate your help in spreading the word!
Please help us keep the momentum going by sharing this critical issue with your friends and family and inviting them to join us as we stand up to the likes of the ACLU to say;
“You can’t tear down our memorials, and you can’t tear down our freedom!”
In closing, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this case on Wednesday, October 7th.
This will be the most important case of the term and one that is talked about for years. We will keep you posted as we lead up to this important date.
With gratitude,
Kelly Shackelford,
Esq. Chief Counsel, Liberty Legal Institute
Wild Thing’s comment……
The ACLU has to rank as one of the lowest life forms to inhabit the planet earth. I can’t think of enough adjectives to describe the slimy vermin that takes every opportunity to destroy everything America stands for from religion, to Christmas to memorials honoring the men and women who gave their lives for our country. Sadly, the sacrifice of those gallant men and women gave these worthless s.o.b’s the right to make these attempts to desecrate and destroy the symbols that are America, and belong to America. The ACLU should stand strong under the Obama administration as they both serve everything Communist.
Previous post about this:
Veterans Fight to Keep 75-yr. old Mojave Desert Memorial Cross
……Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion – 1st Aviation Brigade – Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
This is reminiscent of what the taliban did to the ancient buddhist shrines in that country. It wasn’t their particular religion, so it has to go. Nevermind that those stone monuments had been there for 1000 years or so. So, I suppose we could draw the link between the American left and the taliban.
Will we have to get rid of crosses in cemetaries next? Screw these leftist bastards.
My wife and I were walking the other day when I noticed a large pile of dog shit near the the edge of the sidewalk. I poked my wife’s elbow and said,” careful…don’t step in the ACLU!” This kind of story really pisses me off. Why won’t the ACLU defend my civil liberties? After all, as a Christian I’m outraged the cross has been defaced/vandalized/disrespected by boxing it. Jerks.
I just noticed something, although it didn’t happen, in 2002 congress offered to give 1 acre of land where the cross stands to the VFW in exchange for 5 acres of privately owned land. In keeping with congress’s tradition of screwing the people they wanted 5 acres for 1 acre. I wonder which member of congress would have ended up with the title to the remaining 4 acres of land. What a bunch of greedy bastards!
The GREAT SPIRIT and IN GOD WE TRUST forever! God is our eternal JUDGE and His verdicts reign SUPREME!!
I was in the Mojave Dessert at 29 Palms. There aint a whole hell of a lot to see, except maybe sand and Yucca trees or whatever they’re called. So why is the ACLU so concerned about this cross out in the dessert.
The ACLU is pure communist, we should fight them as hard as we fought the Chinese, North Koreans and the Dinks.
When its over the loser, ACLU has to leave the country for the Communist country of their choice. But they sure as hell will leave and they can take those traitorous bastards from the John Adams society with them.
The godless comunists at ACLU can go to hell.
Thank you everyone.
RAC oh my gosh, yes I wonder who it
would have been too.