Washington, D.C. – On September 25th there will be a national prayer gathering of Muslims on the west front of the U.S. Capitol Building. They are expecting at least 50,000 to attend from mosques all across America. They will gather to pray from 4:00 AM until 7:00 PM. The gathering will take place by the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. The organizers say that it was Obama’s inauguration speech in January and his speech broadcast from Egypt in June that gave them the idea for this prayer gathering on Capitol Hill.
They have a website set up for this event. If you never look at another website look at this one, especially the final words: “OUR TIME HAS COME” Just scroll down it is at the very bottom of their opening page.
I clicked on each page it is bad all the way through.
•The Athan will be chanted on Capitol Hill, echoing off of the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and other great edifices that surround Capitol Hill
•Thousands of Muslims from all races, creeds, colors and ethnicities will gather for the sole purpose of prayer
•Bonds of friendship will be formed between those in attendance, both Muslims and Non-Muslims
•Muslim youth will experience tours of the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.
•The peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America’s capitol.
Elizabeth mosque organizes national prayer event in D.C.
New Jersey News
A mosque in Elizabeth, Dar-ul-Islam, is spearheading a national prayer gathering next month in Washington, D.C., that organizers are billing as the first event of its kind — organized prayer for tens of thousands of Muslims outside the U.S. Capitol building.
The event will not include political speeches or placards, just prayer, said Hassen Abdellah, president of Dar-ul-Islam and a main organizer of the event, which is scheduled for Sept. 25
“Most of the time, when Muslims go to Washington, D.C., they go there to protest some type of event,” Abdellah said. “This is not a protest. Never has the Islamic community prayed on Capitol Hill for the soul of America. We’re Americans. We need to change the face of Islam so people don’t feel every Muslim believes America is “the great Satan,’ because we love America.”
A permit from the Capitol Hill police, granted July 28, allows access to the area by the West Front of the Capitol building from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sept. 25, but the main gathering will occur at 1 p.m., for the Friday prayer service.
Abdellah said he expects 50,000 people to attend, from mosques around the country, though non-Muslims are welcome, too. About 400 people are expected from his own mosque, which is raising money from donors to help pay the cost of the event, expected to surpass $200,000.
The gathering will occur by the site where presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. In fact, it was President Obama’s words at his inauguration in January, and then his speech in Egypt in June, that led Abdellah and an area imam, Abdul Malik, to begin discussing the idea, Abdellah said.
“For the first time in my lifetime,” Abdellah said, “I heard someone of his stature speaking about Islam and Muslims not in an adversarial sense, but in the sense of being welcome and acknowledging we are integral citizens in the society — that we’re gainfully employed, we’re educated.”
“He said he had his hand open to the Islamic world,” he said. “The Islamic world wants to open their hand and shake it.”
The website set up for the event, islamoncapitolhill.com, features a logo with a red, white and blue hand shaking a light brown hand, with the words to the preamble of the Constitution and a page of Arabic text in the background.
Mosque members have been working since July to organize the event, through e-mails, phone calls and visits to mosques and Muslim Students Associations in different states.
Wild Thing’s comment……
WTH is going on our country!!!!!!!!
“peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America’s capitol.”
Islam will shine through America’s capitol?????? What about AMERICA shining through our countries capitol!!!!!!
They have done NOTHING in 8 years to combat the terrorists in their ranks or to protest religious oppression in Saudi Arabia.
How long are we supposed to give them to decide which side they are on, terrorism or liberty?
I assume the Muslim in the White House will be joining them. As he rejoices and says Allah Akbar.
I do NOT recognize as my president. I will obey the law, but there is no law that says I have to recognize him as my president.
This makes me so ill and so afraid for our country!!!!!! And freakin angry like I cannot even say.
Think of all the various religions in our country. NOT one other then this POS Islam has been caved into, given special exceptions, and been catered to by our government..
His colors are showing more and more. He ignored the National Day of Prayer but goes for this? Will the White House even be decorated for Christmas during his stay in the White House? Muslims don’t celebrate Christmas you know. He’ll come up with some lame excuse about Christmas lights not being “Green enough.” And his lackeys out here will lap it up saying “it’s about time we stopped celebrating with Christmas lights!”
I have no problem with Muslims and their little prayers, but to have it shoved in my face is NOT okay. I am a Christian and my family and I will serve the Lord.
Check out this video of Obama mocking the Bible.
He dissed the national prayer day, but celebrated with the muslims.
It IS sickening. And obvious. Anyone who doesn’t take this seriously needs to quit looking at their colon and think about why he never goes to a regular church unless he has to.
I do not wish ill upon others except when it is deserved but if the 1/2 breed who is squatting in our house @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave were to expire, I would celebrate more than at any other time in my life.
He snubbed the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, still hasn’t found a mos…ooops eh, ah church in DC. Yeah for sure he is going to lead the moslem day of prayer.
Didn’t he say all during the campaign except the one slip up, ‘My moslem faith, and Steponallofus corrected him, saying ‘Christian’ and obama had to stop and think of which ‘lie’ he was agreeing.
I can’t understand why so many people could NOT see the charade from the beginning. Everyone, here knew from the start that obama was a moslem, the press vehemently denied it. There’s an authority for you the Main Stream Press.
They, the left, have taken God out of everything that has made this country great. They are now attempting to replace it with the government, so the government can determine what absolutes are to be obeyed. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness won’t be one of them.
Replace the word “muslim” or “islam” in the above message with the word “Mormon” or “Catholic” or “Babtist” and Washington would be too small to capture the indignation, fury and resistance from the press, the liberals and Congress. But not now, noooooo, somehow, islam deserves to be treated better than all others, while islam has claimed openly to be the enemy of the Free West. Go figure! Psycho-analysts have quite some work to do on this one!
obama is a muslim. He is also anti American. I sure hope the muslim unity day doesn’t get in the way of flying the Communist flag day. obama must be going through a lot of internal turmoil as he tries to decide if he is more muslim or more communist. Those ideas conflict a bit. Then to top it off there is that pesky, 50% “typical” White blood flowing through him.
It’s their new mecca with their caliphate in the oval office.
Is that smoke on the horizon? Maybe there’s a fire out there. Hope and Change
KLM admitted to the CIA after waterboarding and sleep deprivation that ~UF93~ was supposed to take out The U.S. Capitol / White House on 9-11-01! Imagine that? “Our Father, who art in heaven… deliver US from evil. Amen. LET’S ROLL!” – Todd Beamer, ~UF93~ over Shanksville Pennsylvania on 9-11-01…
I’ll be suprised if 50,000 show up for this. For one thing, “to change the face of Islam” is one of their stated goals, and they’re using the Preamble to the Constitution as a backdrop on their website.
They might be co-opting American symbolism, too. It’s pretty risky. How Obama reacts will tell us a lot.
Yeah, Eddy, that was a mighty close call; for a while there, it looked like we might be stuck with a Mormon in the White House!
(Hey! It was the MSM that made all the fuss about one of the party candidates being LDS, not ME!)
Lynn, I agree he really is showing what he
Eden that video is really something. I saved
it. Thank you.
Thank you everyone for your input.