14 Jul

LOL Obama Teleprompter Falls Apart

Obama’s Teleprompter “Falls Apart” During His Speech; Crashes Like His Economic Plan..

Wild Thing’s comment……
LOL ho-ho heh heh ha ha ……just because it feels good to see this happen.

Mark says:

Even the TOTUS can’t take all the lies. He has to be fed the truth once in awhile. That collapse of TOTUS is a precursor of what is to come .

Lynn says:

It committed teleprompter-cide! It finally had enough and jumped off the roof! He needs to learn to do a speech off the cuff. He’s tied to tight to teleprompters and pages of written word. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him swing it, even in the debates.

Bob A says:

God point Mark.
Hi, Lynn,
It was even brought up on CNN that he should have a written on paper script in front of him in case his teleprompter crashes. I would love to hear Biden’s take on this.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, LOL good one.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, Hahahahahhaa good one.
I agree, when he has had to use it
just to introduce one of his appointees
that sure shows how he is addicted to it.

Wild Thing says:

Bob A., that would be great, Biden would
have another gaffe on this for sure.