US to resettle 1,350 Palestinians from Iraq
The Jerusalem Post
The US State Department confirmed Tuesday that as many as 1,350 Iraqi Palestinians – once well-treated guests of Saddam Hussein and now estranged from Iraqi society – will be resettled in the US, mostly in southern California, starting this fall, the Christian Science Monitor reported.
The US, which takes in about 80,000 refugees annually, hopes to bring 17,000 Iraqi refugees this year.
It will be the largest-ever resettlement of Palestinian refugees into the US – and welcome news to the Palestinians who fled to Iraq after 1948, but who have had a tough time since Hussein was ousted in 2003. Targeted by Iraqi Shi’ites, the Palestinians, mostly Sunni Muslims, have spent recent years in one of the region’s roughest refugee camps, Al Waleed, near Iraq’s border with Syria in the west.
“Really for the first time, the United States is recognizing a Palestinian refugee population that could be admitted to the US as part of a resettlement program,” Bill Frelick, refugee policy director at Human Rights Watch in Washington told CSM.
Considering that the US in the past was reluctant to resettle Palestinians – only seven were accepted in 2007 and only nine in 2008 – the effort could become a point of contention between Israel and the US.
For many in the State Department and international community, the resettlement is part of a moral imperative the US has to clean up the refugee crisis created by invading Iraq. The US has already stepped up resettlement of Iraqis, some whom have struggled to adjust to life in America.
The resettlement of Iraqi Palestinians is “an important gesture for the United States to demonstrate that we’re not heartless,” Alon Ben-Meir, a professor of international relations and Middle Eastern studies at New York University told the publication.
But some critics say the State Department is sloughing off its problems onto American cities, especially since in this case the Palestinians were sympathizers of the Iraqi tyrant.
“This is politically a real hot potato,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the conservative Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, adding, “America has become a dumping ground for the State Department’s problems – they’re tossing their problems over their head into Harrisburg, Pa., or Omaha, Neb.”
Palestinian refugees came to Iraq in successive waves over several decades, first in 1948, then in 1967, and in 1991. They were treated well under Hussein but were also used to attack Israeli policies, and their presence was resented by many locals.
After Hussein was removed from power in 2003, many of these Palestinians were driven out of their homes and now live “at the mercy of the weather” in rough camps along the Syrian and Jordanian border, said Mr. Ben-Meir. The number of Palestinians in Iraq has fallen from around 34,000 to an estimated 15,000, with about 2,773 living in camps, according to the State Department.
While the US generally doesn’t accept Palestinians, Todd Pierce, a spokesman for the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, said that the Iraqi population of Palestinians falls under a different category from those in Gaza and the West Bank. Each applicant will be carefully scrutinized for terrorist ties, he added.
The US reluctance to accept Palestinians is because it “doesn’t want the refugee program to become an issue in its relationship with Israel,” said a diplomat in the region on condition of remaining anonymous. But these Palestinians, he said, would be processed as refugees from Iraq.
Mr. Krikorian said the US should be the last refuge for those fleeing persecution. Only Jordan of all the Arab countries routinely grants citizenship to Palestinian refugees, he noted. More recently, said Mr. Frelick, Jordan has also shut its borders to Palestinians coming from Iraq.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama is importing more Muslim terrorist’s to our soil. Obama is destroying this country on purpose. This will end badly. When it all explodes it is going to literally rip apart this country.
This is national suicide. I guess there are not enough terrorist bombings to suit Obama.
Why? Why bring them here? Who wakes up in the morning and asks themselves, why don’t we have more Palestinians running around in the United States? Obviously not someone who wants America to be safe or worries about our best interests.
I wonder how much this is going to cost us taxpayers? I have a couple customers who are Serbian who are pretty good guys. They tell us the US Government gives them $58,000 per year to live on. We wonder where they got their money because they don’t have jobs yet.
I wonder if that’s where that 5 trillion dollars that are now missing (the Obama Deception) is going to. How does he know they aren’t terrorists (and they probably are!)? I don’t want them in my backyard. It’s not our fault they can’t learn to live in peace over there.
He’s sending them to Southern California ? Did he ask Arnie if its all right. Shoot, that’s 17,000 more on California’s already bloated Welfare rolls. Maybe Arnie can send these Terrorists an I.O.U.
Now we’ll have M-13 gangs, and the Palestinian gang 6 and 7/8’s.
obama made the bullshit statement that America was one of the largest muslim countries. I guess he is going to make that statement true by importing muslims by the tens of thousands. He has already allocated $20.3 million to import Hamas “refugees” from Gaza.
obama is a muslim.
This will be like Jimmy Carter’s Muriel boat lift debacle where Castro cleaned out his jails and sent all the criminals to America to commit more crimes.
This is a variation of the Fed monetizing the debt by printing money to cover it. Obama is merely importing bodies to replace the 45 million aborted here. He has a long way to go yet. Bader-Ginsburg should have added to her statement that we could abort all the unwanted children and get all we wanted from the Middle East. America is long gone. I’m sorry.
Stimulate the economy by putting a bounty on vermin starting with their sponsors. Thanks Tom I was trying to think of the name of Carter’s boat people.
Let’s not forget these people don’t have much of a work ethic. Ask any Iraq vet. It’s absolutely insane what we’re doing to this country. Obama and his socialist army, known as the Democratic Party, need to be stopped.
Who benifits? Why the New York recruiter for the KKK benifits. Four years and both New York and Chicago will have going chapters of the Klan.
Remember what Ginsberg said, check out Obama’s Science Czar. They will get the savings from the vacancies he makes.
BobF., I wonder too, I remember they gave
the others we have brought here from other
countries many years ago money to start
their own businesses. Will they do that
with these people too? I wonder.
Lynn, wow you might have something there.
Mark, yes I bet Arnie is not too happy
about this either, even if he is a rino.
Tom, good point, yes with this he is
adding to the muslim population.
Horace, yes I hate to see this,9-11 and the
USS Cole and the Marines at the Embassy and
so many attacks meant nothing to him. His
being a Muslim is all that counts he could
care less about our wonderful country.
Jack, yes who the heck will their sponsers
be….more friendlies to the terrorists?
Jim, I agree, I wish I knew how we could
stop them. I do pray that 2010 takes
care of some of it if only a lot of
these people can be voted out. But
even that does not stop Obama, he
has gone against our Constitution on
all he has done. Too bad he can’t be
kicked out of office.
Avitar, that and the DNC gets more votes.
Jack, thank you, that is even more information
then the post I did about it. WOW I really
appreciate it. He is horrible.
We had Palestinian neighbors who the morning of 9/11, while we were watching in horror the TV, knocked our door and said that Allah was great and they were throwing a party….sickening..by the way, they moved out two days later.
Dani, nice to meet you. Thank you so much
for sharing your experience. Wow how awful
for them to do that. Horrible people!
I am so glad they moved out after that.