02 Jul

Meghan Kelly and Jonah Goldberg Discuss ‘It’s a Pattern’

Wild Thing’s comment………
I wonder if they will have Helen sit in the back of the room. hahaha
The thing Meghan mentioned at the beginning of the video about Obama stacking the deck when he has townhalll meetings is so true. I think Obama is terrified to be confronted by anyone that is honest and is sincerely wanting to ask questions.
So far every single one of his townhall meetings, during the campaign and those since he has been in office have all be set up, hand picked people and all that have worked on his campaign or are supporters.

Bob A says:

This is exactly why the MSM is focusing on beating down Governor Palin. They are very scared of her. Kudo’s to Helen for finally standing up to these creeps.

TomR says:

I like Goldberg’s statement that some of the press will “always be lighting votive candles for obama”. The press is upset more with being used and abused as with the actual dishonesty of the obama camp. My guess is that the press is going to have reason to continue to be upset.