GARY, Ind. (CBS)
A 26-year-old convenience store clerk was shot and killed in broad daylight in Gary, Ind., and police say witnesses stood by and did nothing. CBS 2’s Pamela Jones reports there are critical clues that may help crack the case.
Police say one of the four men caught on surveillance video bursting into the clerk’s booth at the convenience store was about to commit murder. The video shows a man in red run up an aisle and kick in the door to the booth. Within seconds, the clerk, Gurjeet Singh, was shot in the neck.
“It was senseless. And really all homicides are senseless but what we gather from this, there was very little resistance,” said Gary Police Department Commander Anthony Titus. “It didn’t have to end the way it did.”
But Titus says what’s even more senseless is the apparent inaction of bystanders standing near the front door almost the whole time.
Police say there were several customers walking around the store after the crime. But only one called 911 for help.
When asked what he finds most disturbing about the surveillance footage, Titus said, “The fact that people went in and out of the store and didn’t call police. There is a man laying there. Nobody thinks to dial 911 or check to see if he’s OK or anything.”
Police want to talk to people who saw the four men at the mini-mart on 15th and Grant just before 5:20 p.m. Sunday.
At a news conference on Wednesday, community organizers demanded Gary police offer a reward for information about the case. They said the people of Gary needed financial incentive to come forward. Investigators said no reward was planned.
Investigators say two suspects were dressed in black shirts, like one man on the tape who looks to be holding a gun. The other two had red shirts. Police think they were driving a burgundy compact car.
“It’s clear enough to the point that if you’re familiar with that person, you’d be able to look at it and go, that’s someone I know,” Titus said.
Investigators hope someone who sees this video will be able to help bring Singh’s family some closure. He was doing his job one minute and losing a fight for his life seconds later.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Some would think this is a racist comment; it is only reality.
Gary, Indiana is a virtually all-Black city. The perps were Black, the vic was not. There was no “don’t move or we well shoot you,” He was simply killed as the opening act of this crime. In Gary, that’s pretty much Ok, as long as the vic is not Black.
Look at how society accepts ACORN stealing on a grand scale, and getting away with it because they are Black
I truly hate to think that way, but history proves it. It is not right and sad too, but it is the truth.
And community organizers want police to offer a reward. In a community like that very few people step forward to make the community better without a “financial incentive”.
You’re not racist WT. That is a statement of fact. Gary Indiana and South Chicago seem to produce the same kind of dysfunctional society with “community organizers” making things worse.
But those Asians have “too much” because (It’s unfair!) they work so hard! (“Social justice” in action.) At least the sleazy “community organizers” were honest (something they probably won’t ever do again) about their write-off town.
You’re not racist WT, just not PC.
Not much of a difference between Gary Indiana, Mosul Iraq or Kabul Afghanistan as far as community response to crime within their respective cities, not much of a change in beliefs between so called civilized society be it Judeao-Christian or Muslim so we can’t blame it on religion. It was cold blooded murder, no if’s and’s or but’s. Racist or not it just may be genetic in nature, lets call it the New Orleans syndrome. Where they set on their black asses and expect society to provide for and protect them yet they’ll not lift a finger to help themselves, even when drowning, they still demand that whitey buoy them to safety and provide for their every whim. Thanks to the Congress, their nation within a nation status of ‘protected people’ removes all self respect, inhibitions and subsequent respect for anyone else. Congress and ‘entitlements’ ensure, we’s owes it to them. Government provides most everything they need, crime provides most everything they want. We can be thankful that we don’t have to listen to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton rail about the evils of Whitey!!! They done killed his white ass!!!
I believe, Chrissie, Jack, Tom they owe us, we already paid our dues and then some…Because they are black they shouldn’t be blamed ?…Ha. they pulled the trigger, not the Store Clerk.
This I assume was a robbery, where one of the perps decided to up the ante
Jack, I think you’re safer walking the streets of Iraq than most major American cities. In Kansas City alone it seems someone is shot and killed every night. I’m getting my CCW permit.
Tom, good point, the fact that as human
being that cannot do anything without
being paid sure shows what kind of
people that are.
Anonymous, yes the community organizers
were honest, too bad their honesty
shows them to be low lifes.
Jack, your right,this is the PC Free Zone.
And your name for it is right too,
” New Orleans syndrome”.
That is what made me post the video, when
I read they wanted a reward for information.
I could even give them a slight break for
freezing in place with a shooting, but they didn’t
do that. They kept shopping and that shocked me
too. So they have two strikes against them in
my book.
Mark, I agree the store clerk didn’t cause
any of this.
BobF., good idea, everyone I know that
has one says it adds to their feeling
safer, just knowing they have it too.
Heck Chrissie, I don’t feel safe in Seattle or Tacoma either, blacks set up a hit on the Loomis Truck at Wal-Mart about a week ago, it was an inside job and all were black, they just killed the Loomis guard right off.
On two occasions in the mid 80’s I was on my own in East Cleveland, Ohio, I was working at Wickliffe, I spent one month in Euclid just off I-90 on the South side and 4-1/2 months off SR-271 on Shaker Rd, just one block out side of Shaker Heights and Just South of Euclid. I packed my .45 Colt Commander with hot handloaded JHP’s the entire time. It doesn’t get much darker than that anywhere else. They do have an attitude, you can feel it as surely as you could feel the same sensation in NVA country, I felt safer in the RVN than there, the entire time I was in Cleveland I had that feeling you get outside the wire, they were looking for a weakness to pounce on. There were some very nasty shootings all around me.