Obama’s Christian-Muslim Double Standard: Our First Dhimmi President
FOX Forum
With every speech he gives, President Obama goes further and further in diminishing Christianity in America while inflating Muslims here and around the world.
For Americans this appears to be at best an incredibly bad choice of rhetoric or at worst the manifestation of a prejudice hidden in Obama, finally making its way out.
To Muslims though, it has a much deeper meaning tied to the concept of “Dhimmi,” the subjugation of other religions to Islam. I’ll define that in more detail at the end of this column, but first let’s examine the proof that Obama is diminishing Christians while inflating Muslims.
It started in a speech he gave in 2007 when he stated, “Whatever we once were, we’re no longer a Christian nation.” At that same speech he criticized Christian leaders, claiming they have used their religion for political purposes.
I guess he thinks “Jihad” is a Christian word.
He repeated again that “America is not a Christian nation” a few weeks later. Little was made of it during the Presidential campaign because the media protected Obama from controversy at all costs. Either that or they just didn’t grasp for themselves the “Dhimmi” implications Obama’s words had for Muslims around the world.
One of his campaign promises was to give a speech “in a major Muslim capital” in his first 100 days in office.
The only such speech he made was in Turkey. At a press conference before his speech, Obama said, “[O]ne of the great strengths of the United States is — although as I mentioned, we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation…”
He went on to say that America is also not a Muslim or Jewish nation, but no one has ever assumed that. His point therefore was to once again make sure the world knew he doesn’t consider America, comprised of 78.5% Christians, a “Christian nation.”
Three times in two years is enough, Mr. President. I fully understand you don’t consider America a “Christian nation.”
Perhaps what the President is referring to is that America has a secular government. We do, after all, have a secular Constitutional Republic that explicitly allows no state religion while allowing the practice of any religion.
The question then becomes does he see nations that are majority Muslim the same way? Has he made it a point to tell them three times they are not “Muslim nations?” In hypocritical fashion, no he hasn’t.
If Turkey was his first speech in a “Muslim capital,” why does he call it that? Like America, Turkey is a secular Constitutional Republic that explicitly allows no state religion while allowing the practice of any religion. See the double standard? According to Obama, Turkey is Muslim but America is not Christian.
In his speech in Turkey, as with his speech today in Egypt, President Obama told of his being from a “Majority-Muslim” nation – Indonesia. “Majority-Muslim” is Obama double speak that allows him to point out the Muslim aesthetic of a country without saying “Muslim Nation.” Again, note the double standard. Like America and Turkey, Indonesia is a secular Constitutional Republic with no state religion while allowing religious freedom.
To further diminish American Christianity and inflate Muslim presence here, on June 1st President Obama told French television, “If you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” In his speech in Cairo today, he put the number of Muslims in America at 7 million.
According to the CIA World Factbook, there are only 1.8 million Muslims here. President Einstein miscalculated by almost 400%.
He isn’t even right about the USA Muslim population being “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”
Assuming his overinflated number, there are between 30 and 35 countries with more Muslims than we have, and if we stop him from lying and use the real number, the American Muslim community ranks about 50th in size. Certainly not one of the largest.
Once again we see an attempt by Obama to inflate Muslims by overstating their size and saying America would be “one of the largest Muslim countries,” but three times he has insisted America is “not a Christian country,” despite that we are ranked #1 in the world in Christian population and the birthday of Christ is an American national holiday.
The significance of Obama’s attempts to raise the Muslim status into something bigger than it is, while diminishing Christianity, is tied to the concept of what in the Muslim world is termed “Dhimmi.”
“Dhimmi” is a status historically given to Christians and Jews in Muslim countries. It is a lesser legal status with lesser rights. Political rights are curtailed. The practice of Christianity and Judaism is allowed only by accepting the subjugation of those religions to Islam, and Christians and Jews pay a tax to the Muslims. The entire concept revolves around the idea of accepting that Christians and Jews are lesser people, while Muslims are greater people.
Obama has made no bones about his wanting to get on the good side of Muslim nations. He clearly has no reservations about diminishing Christians, consistent with Muslim “Dhimmi” tradition, to do so. Sadly, it’s a racist gesture.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Good article, I have no doubt at all what Obama is and am only wondering how long or how soon it will be when he announces there will be shira law. It could happen llike it did in the UK or be full blown shira law for our country.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Looks like obama got a promotion from Community Organizer to King Abdullah’s hand maiden. I mean this in the most derogeratory way.
I agree Mark.
“It started in a speech he gave in 2007 when he stated, “Whatever we once were, we’re no longer a Christian nation.” At that same speech he criticized Christian leaders, claiming they have used their religion for political purposes.”
Does Islama Obama think that the American people are to stupid (apparently a lot are) to see that in an Islamist society religion, politics, government and lay are all one and the same. Stone age cultures governed by a lot of fanatical nutbags.
Bob A.
Another eunuch in King Abdullah’s harem!!!
Obama is a muslim. He is bringing in thousands of Hamas “refugees” from Gaza for reasons more than humanity. Some day America may be like India. Torn apart by a large muslim minority battling a Christian majority.
I am a Christian and my family will stay Christian. I will NOT subject them to learning the ways of Allah. They may read about it and ask questions (I have no qualms with a curious mind) but they must know that it is a dangerous cult and they tread on thin ice if they are suckered in by a false prophet. My hubby and I should really be practicing Judaism as we both are descendants of Judah, one of Joseph’s brothers, from who came King David and Joseph, the Earthly father of our Jesus Christ.
This from the Canadian Free Press back in 2006.
What if Obama is engaged in pious fraud? This is a Muslim practice of pretending not to be Muslim to further the cause of Islam or to “defend the faith”. He becomes President and then says, “Gee…I think I want to be Muslim again” after he finds the “football” in his hands that carries the launch codes for the USA nuke forces
That was written 3 years ago before Obama was even a candidate. It seems this writer can peer into the future.
Officer in Charge of eunuchs. Mark R….I bet that hand maiden can do a double bend over if needed.
Mark, good one!
Bob A., I honestly think Obama looks down on
all we citizens and not just those of us
that did not vote for him, but the ones
that did too.
“Stone age cultures governed by a lot of fanatical nutbags.”
Jack, hahaa yes
Tom, your right, after 9-11 it makes it even
more shocking that all of this is happening.
9-11, the USS Cole, the many other attacks
people sure forget awfully fast.
Lynn, thanks you for sharing about
that, I agree too.
BobF., WOW thank you so much.