03 Jun

Morticians Support Obama

Morticians Association of America Endorses President Obama’s Tough New Fuel Efficiency Standards

Reason TV videos
Obama has stopped putting things off when it comes to global warming. He’s insisting on tough new fuel efficiency standards, and that means our children will enjoy a cleaner environment.
The new standards mean more of us will be driving smaller, fuel-efficient cars. And since smaller, lighter cars—even when they are extremely well-designed for safety—mean more of us will have to plan for our final day sooner than we anticipated, we urge you to follow the president’s lead and think ahead.
Don’t put off planning for your final day. We’re the Morticians Association of America, and we salute President Obama.

Wild Thing’s comment………
LOL Reason TV videos is the home of the Drew Carey Project, a series of documentary shorts hosted by Drew Carey.
This is excellent and proves a strong point of how bad these tiny cars are no matter how safe they say they are.


……Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion – 1st Aviation Brigade – Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam

Jack says:

Thanks WT and RAC, there is a message here.

TomR says:

I hope Obama meets some morticians soon for embalment and burial.

Bob A says:

Not to mention the number of dead babies.’
Bob A.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, LOL thanks.