For those thinking of traveling to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or any other place in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), OR if you know someone that thinks it is just soooo special that Obama wants to cozy up to, side with, or give ANY credibility to promises of Muslims….~ Wild Thing
This video below shows the perils of doing business and traveling there. The U.A.E. is not like the West, despite what it claims.
As you know I have always been against having Dubai taking care of our ports. I know some Republicans are ok with it and I understand their reasoning, but I just can’t agree with it. Muslims are Muslims no matter how much money they have. Money does not buy class and it does not buy being a Moderate Muslim there is NO such thing.~ Wild Thing
Dubai and Abu Dhabi have spent millions and millions of dollars trying to convince the West that their cities are different from other areas in the Middle East. Brad Pitt, Roger Federer, Tiger Woods, Pamela Anderson, New York University, the Guggenheim Museum, renowned architect Frank Gehry, and others have been lured to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the United Arab Emirates in an effort to convince the western public that it is safe to visit and do business there. Even the famous Louvre Museum in France–which has received approximately $1.3 BILLION from the Abu Dhabi government as part of a new museum in Abu Dhabi–has been paid to legitimize the country.
In December 2008, the United States government entered into an agreement with the UAE which would allow for the transfer of nuclear-related components and materials from the United States to the UAE. Congress is now considering the agreement, which has several members of Congress very concerned.
The United States government has extensive military relations with Abu Dhabi and the U.A.E. The U.S. Navy puts more sailors ashore for more liberty days a year at the Jebel Ali port in Abu Dhabi than at any other foreign port. The White House is selling the U.A.E. $9.4 billion worth of state-of-the-art air defense systems and components, including the Patriot missile, E-2C aircraft upgrades, and support equipment.
The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is buying up huge parcels of land and is purchasing landmark buildings in the United States and England, and huge stakes in U.S. companies, including a 4.9% stake in Citibank and Toll Brothers, with the great wealth it has accumulated due to rising oil prices. U.S. taxpayers recently helped bailout Citibank (and by extension the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority) with $45 billion in cash and by guaranteeing up to $306 billion in loans.
There has been a major public relations push by the U.A.E. to convince the West that the U.A.E. is safe, that it is similar to the West, and that it is a great place to do business and to travel.
The video below shows what happened to American Citizen Bassam Nabulsi, it appears that anyone in the U.A.E. is subject to the whims of the royal families, or at least certain members. The point is, torture is practiced, human rights are ignored, and there is at least a strong appearance that the court systems are subject to influence by the royal family.
Sheikh Issa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan (Sheikh Issa) is a member of the royal family in the U.A.E. Sheikh Issa is the younger brother of Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the U.A.E. and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, and also of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, and President of the U.A.E. Forbes Magazine estimtes Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s net worth at least $23 billion.
Sheikh Issa takes pleasure in torturing those who disagree with him. Sheikh Issa videotapes the torture sessions so he can enjoy watching them later. It appears that Sheikh Issa has been assisted in his torture sessions by the Abu Dhabi police. Sheikh Issa has tortured people for up to forty five minutes at a time. This torture includes cattle prods, boards with nails, cigarette lighters, lighter fluid, and M-16 automatic rifles.
The message for anyone traveling or doing business in Abu Dhabi or the U.A.E. is clear. Be careful, be very, very careful.
Also when I read about all of this and watched the Video my thoughts went to how Obama intends to speak and reach out to his fellow Muslims in Cairo. We all know about the torture and killings that are done by the followers of Islam. How it is a death cult and how our troops are fighting this enemy from the pits of hell 24-7 in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all around the world. ~ Wild Thing
Bassam Nabulsi is a United States citizen and Houston businessman. Bassam Nabulsi and Sheikh Issa were business partners. Through the course of their relationship, Mr. Nabulsi learned that Sheikh Issa expected no disagreements from those with whom he dealt, including his partner and business manager, Mr. Nabulsi. As their relationship progressed, Mr. Nabulsi noted that Sheikh Issa grew more aggressive, and less tolerant.
You can read more of Nabulsi’s Story HERE.
This torture of an Afghan grain trader by a Muslim UAE prince ( Brother of the crown Prince)
ABC News
A video tape smuggled out of the United Arab Emirates shows a member of the country’s royal family mercilessly torturing a man with whips, electric cattle prods and wooden planks with protruding nails.
A man in a UAE police uniform is seen on the tape tying the victim’s arms and legs, and later holding him down as the Sheikh pours salt on the man’s wounds and then drives over him with his Mercedes SUV.
In a statement to ABC News, the UAE Ministry of the Interior said it had reviewed the tape and acknowledged the involvement of Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan, brother of the country’s crown prince, Sheikh Mohammed.
The Minister of the Interior is also one of Sheikh Issa’s brother.
The government statement said its review found “all rules, policies and procedures were followed correctly by the Police Department.”
FOX News
The fallout from the film — which was smuggled out of the UAE by a former business associate of the sheikh — has reached all the way to the Oval Office, where the civilian nuclear deal, awaiting the signature of President Obama, remains unsigned. A senior US official has said that the Administration is holding off certifying the treaty as a direct result of the film.
The terms of Treaty, the U.S. agrees to provide technology and equipment to help the UAE to develop civilian nuclear power plants. In return, the UAE pledges to abide by the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and not to reprocess its spent nuclear fuel.
Jim McGovern, the Democratic co-chairman of the congressional Human Rights Commission, viewed the tape last week and told The Times that it was “one of the most horrific things I have ever seen in my life”. In the tape the sheikh is seen torturing an Afghan grain salesman he claims has cheated him.
McGovern has written to Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State, expressing his “outrage, horror and revulsion” about the tape and demanding that all sales and transfers of technology to the UAE, “including nuclear”, be suspended. He calls on Clinton to take a lead role in the investigation. He also told The Times that he would hold congressional hearings into the issue. “If the UAE think this is going to blow over, they are wrong,” he said. The case will be a further test of the Obama Administration’s commitment to human rights.
When President Bush was going to do this it was BEFORE the video was released. Obviously the Video does not matter to Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Also the democrats are willing to transfer technology for nuc “power” to places like UAE while killing the industry in the USA.~ Wild Thing
Obama OKs UAE N-deal despite torture video
Wed, 20 May 2009
FOX News
Barack Obama has approved plans for the U.S. to help the United Arab Emirates become the first Arab nation with a nuclear power industry that will fuel the country’s growing demand for electricity.
Obama’s official backing of the pact, known as a “123 agreement,” is praised by pro-business groups that say U.S. companies are now in the running for major construction work connected to the $41 billion project.
The president’s approval comes a few weeks after news organizations, including The Associated Press, obtained a videotape showing a member of the country’s royal family torturing a man.
The videotape led to criticism of the emirates’ human rights record in the midst of an intense debate over U.S. interrogation methods.
Concerns have also been raised about the emirates’ history as a transshipment point for sensitive technology moving into Iran. A small but vocal group of lawmakers have said they’ll oppose the deal unless the United Arab Emirates takes stronger action to keep Iran from obtaining materials that could help it develop nuclear weapons.
Despite the objections, it’s unlikely Capitol Hill will be a roadblock. Once the State Department sends the agreement to Congress, lawmakers will have 90 days to pass legislation either amending or rejecting the deal. If no bill passes, the agreement goes into effect.
Supporting the emirates’ use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes is also intended to be a counterweight to Iran’s pursuit of atomic weapons. Obama, as did his predecessor, George W. Bush, sees the emirates’ program as a positive example for other countries, especially in the volatile Middle East.
Under the pact, the United Arab Emirates must import, rather than produce, fuel for its nuclear reactors. It also has committed not to enrich uranium or reprocess spent nuclear fuel for plutonium, which is used in nuclear bombs.
The agreement creates the legal framework for the U.S. to transfer sensitive nuclear items to the United Arab Emirates. The pact was signed in January by the departing Bush administration, which left the final decision to Obama.
“By moving this agreement forward, the president is creating the potential for thousands of new jobs for American workers,” said Danny Sebright, president of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council.
The United Arab Emirates is expected to begin choosing construction companies this fall for reactor work. Firms from Japan, France, Russia are also expected to compete.
“I think the U.A.E. very much wants the U.S. under the tent,” Sebright said.
To help guide the agreement through Congress, the United Arab Emirates hired a pair of heavyweight lobbying firms to convince lawmakers the agreement wouldn’t end up boosting Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
The firms, Akin Gump and DLA Piper, also stressed the promise of jobs for American companies hit hard by a sagging economy.
The United Arab Emirates, a federation of seven states, wants nuclear power by 2017. Although the emirates have plenty of oil, they must import 60 percent of the natural gas they use to generate electricity.
The United Arab Emirates no longer wants to depend on outside sources for its energy needs and settled on nuclear power as the most economical and environmentally friendly option.
The videotape shows Sheik Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan beating a man who allegedly shortchanged him on a grain delivery. Issa is the brother of the Sheik Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahyan, crown prince of Abu Dhabi, the country’s capital, and deputy supreme commander of the United Arab Emirates’ armed forces.
Following an outcry over the video, authorities in the emirates said Issa had been detained and an investigation is under way.
Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass., co-chairman of the House Human Rights Commission, said Wednesday he would oppose the 123 agreement because of his concerns over the human rights situation in the emirates.
“I recognize that the U.A.E. is a strategically important country,” McGovern said. “But at some point, human rights have to matter.”
Do not trust muslims. Why are we selling the oil rich UAE nuclear technology? We aren’t developing nuclear power plants here.
Why don’t we build more nuclear power plants in America? Why don’t we drill for more of our proven oil and gas resources here. Why were we going to have Dubai operate our ports? Does it seem that we are doing as much as we can backwards?
Now we have a muslim president. We will go from the slow track to the fast track to give up our sovereignty to third world despots like these shiekhs from “modern” U.A.E. America has had 30 years of globalist leaders and it has not been good for our future.
Just what I was going to ask, Tom.
Yeah he’s sending our Technology over to the Ragheads and we get the green weenie. This idiot has got to go.
Tom, you said it !!!
God gave us Oil. And the left does not
want it. It is right here for our taking
and a thank you to God for it. But
nope they want to do everything they can
to make life worse, harder, more expensive,
more dangerous.
Mark, he sure does, oh how I wish for that
so much.