01 Jun

Man With Record Scott Roeder Kills Serial Baby Killer Dr. George Tiller

PRO abortion people……The Wichita Awakening – about 135 people prayed outside George Tiller’s late-term abortion mill on Sunday afternoon.

Late term abortionist Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed as he walked into church.
George Tiller, the Wichita doctor who became a national lightning rod in the debate over abortion, was shot to death this morning as he walked into church services.
Tiller, 67, was shot just after 10 a.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church at 7601 E. 13th, where he was a member of the congregation.

George Tiller’s killer was arrested today on Interstate 35.
Johnson County Sheriff’s deputies stopped the suspect on I-35 between the two main Gardner exits around 1:30 p.m. He surrendered without incident. He is in custody of Gardner police and Johnson County Sheriff’s deputies.
The person went inside a church and shot Tiller while his wife was singing in the choir.

“I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.” -Barack Obama, May 31, 2009


And from the women’s lib group N.O.W. you know the ones that are shrill lesbian liberals who despise men could not stand up for Sarah Palin, Carrie Prejean , or any of the women that Bill Clinton told to put ice on it………. the wanna be men, femiiNazi’s. ~ Wild Thing

NOW Identifies Murder of Dr. George Tiller As Domestic Terrorism, Calls for Action from Justice Department and Homeland Security
Statement of NOW President Kim Gandy
June 1, 2009
Women across the country have lost a champion today. The cold-blooded murder of Dr. George Tiller this morning in church is a stark reminder that women’s bodies are still a battleground, and health care professionals are on the frontlines.
This kind man and skilled doctor braved blockades, harassment, assault, and countless threats, including an attempted murder in 1993 when he was shot in both arms. He knew his life was in constant jeopardy, and that he would likely die at the hands of an anti-abortion terrorist — yet he continued to protect his patients and provide safe and legal abortions to women in often-desperate circumstances. Those who are behind this murder may believe that the killing of George Tiller will mean that these women will have nowhere else to turn, but they are wrong. On the contrary, I believe their depraved acts will inspire another doctor to take up the torch, and another, and another.
Dr. Tiller’s slaying is the most recent in a string of murders in the service of the anti-abortion cause, and hundreds of people have been injured or threatened because they provide legal abortion services. Bringing the killers to justice is not enough – the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security must root out and prosecute as domestic terrorists and violent racketeers the criminal enterprise that has organized and funded criminal acts for decades.
We call on the new attorney general Eric Holder and head of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to treat these murders in the same way they would treat politically-motivated domestic terrorism of any other kind and put the full resources of their two departments behind that effort.

Tomorrow will be a Day of Mourning for Dr. Tiller as well as a National Day of Commitment for all who believe abortion must remain both safe and legal — who believe women have the right and indeed the moral obligation to make their own childbearing decisions. We urge individuals to wear white armbands all day tomorrow, Monday, June 1, in memory of Dr. Tiller and as a visible expression of determination to redouble our commitment to protecting the right to safe and legal birth control and abortion.


Wild Thing’s comment……….
Something I noticed with this. Obama made a statement right away. But remember when the Captain was taken hostage and we waited days to hear one word from Obama. If I remember right he waited till the 5th day to make a statement ( when our Navy Seals rescued the Captain). Obama could have made a comment right away then and at least said the nations prayers were with the wife and families and for the Captain to be free again.
I realize it is off topic but it really stands out to me how the because Obama LOVES to kill late term babies and is totally pro abortion he makes a statement right away. And a Captain that was a hero and told the terroriosts to take him as hostage to protect his men …. got the silent treatment from the bozo in the White House.
Regarding the mass murderer of innocent babies Dr. George Tiler……Terminating a fetus at 7, 8 and even 9 months into the pregnancy……….I am adopted so thank God my birth mother had a soul, and gave me a chance to live. I really am fond of being alive.


…. Thank you GM Cassel for sending this to me.
US Navy
1973- 1993

Mark says:

How appropriate he met his maker in a Church. Then again, how in the hell could this dirtbag even go to church with a straight face.
I can not in good conscious feel anything but relief that this man, supposed Doctor is gone. How does this doctor justify the Hypocratic Oath, whose basic tenant is to “Do no Harm”.
And of course, anyone with my opinion will be considered a Domestic Terrorist, then so be it.

TomR says:

NOW describes him as a kind man. Kind men don’t kill babies. They want the murderer treated as a terrorist. Does that mean they want him treated with respect and privileges as they demand for the Gitmo terrorists?

cuchieddie (DHS suspected terrorist)) says:

Just in case anyone cares, Holder, Neopolitan Jan and the Great Leader are all terrorists.

Lynn says:

But you still don’t take certain situations into your own hands and kill someone in cold blood in a church! So the doctor wasn’t the best guy out there, but who died and left Roeder in charge of deciding who is guilty? To me, Roeder is much more guilty because it was premeditated. I’m not saying what Dr. Tiller did was right, but sad to say, Abortion is legal in the US.

Lynn says:

How about putting blame on those women who decide 7 or 8 months into a pregnancy that they just don’t want the baby anymore. Not those who have something wrong, like a dead or disabled fetus, but just don’t want it? Those are the ones to blame for forcing late term abortions on our society. They could have the child and give it up, but no, they have to kill it.

Dianne2250 says:

While I do not agree with Tiler being murdered, I must say I hope that as part of his judgment he has to come face to face with all the babies he killed.

Jack says:

I reckon with my opinion that I’ll be considered a Domestic Terrorist, I don’t condone the method he exited by, but he isn’t going to kill anymore unborn infants. Enjoy your time with the Devil.
Interesting that a known killer can grace the pews while continuing to ply his bloody practice all week, yet that convicted killer who has paid for his crime is the shunned figure of attention in the church. I have worked alongside most of the worst, I never had a single bad thing to say about that redeemed killer, it was with complete trust. Damned liars and molesters are a totally different matter. I suppose it is a matter of who is the Hypocrite, the perp or the society that condones it. In most cases the Hypocratic Oath is truly the Hypocrite Oath.
Agreed cuchieddie!!!

Wild Thing says:

Mark,that is what I don’t understand, that
this jerk baby killer went to church at all.
I am glad he is gone too. No tears here for
this mass murderer.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, that group NOW is disgusting beyond
how I could even describe them.
Good one Tom.

Mark says:

As far as I am concerned Tiller is another Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz. It has to take a special kind of monster to reach inside the womb and turn the baby around so his head will come out last. Then punch a hole in the base of the baby’s skull before the babys head is fully out of the womb with a pair of sissors and then vaccuum his brains out.
Obama is against ‘Waterboarding’ what the hell is Partial birth Abortion, a stroll in the park. This people are sick. Abortion IS murder, but they never talk about the procedure, why because they know full well it is MURDER.
To the left Abortion is their Ugliest Sacrament in the Church of evil.
Instead of calling it murder why don’t we just call it “retro-active abortion” 67 years too late.
I am sorry I can not garner up any sympathy for this piece of shit doctor, (Doctors are trained to save lives not take them) who, by the way, violated G.W.Bushes Presidential order to stop all partial birth Abortions. Tiller had 19 indictments against him, of course he was a hero to the left he violated George Bush’s order.
If it is murder, Scott Roeder did not take an innocent life.

Wild Thing says:

cuchieddie (DHS suspected terrorist)), I
agree 1000%, They are the enemy within!

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, yess the blame goes on the women asking
for the abortion as well.
How on earth can a person consider
such a thing. This is not about saving a
womans life it is hardly ever done for
that reason. Especially by this kind of
doctor. From what they said on TV today
he is one of ONLY 3 doctors that
specialized in this kind of killikng of
innocent babies. The kind that does
it so late in pregrnancy. It just made
me sick to my stomach to even hear
about this vile person.

Wild Thing says:

Dianne2250, that would be something, if
they have nightmares in hell I hope he
never sleeps and can only see the babies
he killed into eternity.

Wild Thing says:

Jack,yesss, what gets me about this whole thing
is how this doctor went to chruch, sang
hymns etc.How could his pastor allow it,
how could those in the church if they
knew what this doctor did for a living
allow it.
It is not as though the doctor was a
mafia guy, that would not bother me. I
expect them to kill other bad guys
(not babies).
I saw a photo of one of the babies
aborted late term and I wish I hadn’t.
It might take me years to forget that
photo. Tiny fingers, hands, toes all
were there so ready to be born.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, I agree.
That is what the left is like, they condemn
waterboarding and worship people
like this doctor. They don’t want to have
the Death penalty but they kill millions
of babies that have not even been given
a chance.
Just like that Hate crime bill Obama has
now, and how the dems pushed it through
as they wanted to cater to the molesters
and other horrible low lifes to protect
them and put children and citizens at